How to process multiple ValidationSet parameter attribute values efficiently?

I have an advanced function I have been working on that looks something like this:

{Function Do-Something
         [ValidateSet('Yes', 'No', 'Y', 'N', IgnoreCase = $true)]   
         [ValidateSet('Yes', 'No', 'Y', 'N', IgnoreCase = $true)] 

         [ValidateSet('Yes', 'No', 'Y', 'N', IgnoreCase = $true)] 

 Begin {}



My question is, how do I get the values such as “Yes”, “Y”, “No”, and “N” that’s located in the [ValidateSet()] validation attribute processed correctly without having to use multiple “If” and “ElseIf” statements.

For instance, I want to avoid the following, because I know there is a faster and more efficient way (less typing) to do it:

If ($param1 -match “Yes” -or “Y” -and $param2 -match “Yes” -or “Y” -and $param3 -match “Yes” -or “Y”)


#Do something here


ElseIf ($param1 -match “No” -or “N” -and $param2 -match “Yes” -or “Y” -and $param3 -match “Yes” -or “Y”)


#Do something


I was reading that splatting may help me here, but I am new to the splatting technique and need some help with this one.

I appreciate any help that anyone can offer.


Well, in this specific case, I’d probably just look at the first letter of each parameter, since you know that they can only be Y/Yes or N/No. That would cut down on half of your conditions:

if ($Param1 -like 'Y*' -and $Param2 -like 'Y*' -and $Param3 -like 'Y*')
    # do something

The fact that you’re defining these parameters as arrays throws a wrench in the works, though… then these conditions are really saying “if any of the elements in the array are Y or Yes for all three arrays, do something.”

Personally, I would just use switch parameters here, or at the least, booleans. Those already do a good job of indicating “yes/no” style values (true/false):

function Do-Something
        [switch] $Param1,
        [switch] $Param2,
        [switch] $Param3

    if ($Param1 -and $Param2 -and $Param3)
        # Do Something

Ahh the switch parameter, of course. I’ve used them before on several occasions a while back. Had a brain fart there man.


To use the switch parameter, would I remove the “Mandatory=$true” attribute?

Yes. Mandatory switches don’t make much sense. :slight_smile:

Of course they don’t, just wanted confirmation.

Thanks man