How to make an api call to an url with '&' in the folder name

Hi All,

I am able to read values from below url with folder having space (Ex:This That)
$qaprivkey = .\vault.exe read -field="privatekey" "secret/parentfolder/childfolder/This That/api"
write-Host "privatekey is" $qaprivkey
Output : privatekey is xyz-asd-qwe-sdf
Please suggest how can i read values from below url with folder having & (Ex:M & M) API call is not able to read value with folder name having '&' Considering folder name cannot be changed , Please provide your suggestions
$qapubkey = .\vault.exe read -field="publickey" "secret/parentfolder/childfolder/M & M/api"
write-Host "publickey is" $qapubkey
Output : No value found at secret/parentfolder/childfolder/M & M/api

Have you tried single quotes? … or escaping the “&”?