Help : Calling an API, having hardtime signing the query

Hello All,

If anyone can help with this will be awesome.

I have to query an API, but this one has weird signing requirements where the body has to be signed with authorization token which can be made using session ID / access key.

I am able to create the access key and session key, but just cant get the code together for me to be able to sign it.

This i what i came up with but just dosent work.

Any pointers will be very helpful.

Ignore SSL certificate errors (not recommended for production)

[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}

Set the base URL of the web service

$baseUrl = “”

Set the endpoint for the session

$sessionEndpoint = “/sessions”

Combine base URL with the session endpoint

$sessionUrl = $baseUrl + $sessionEndpoint

Set your username and password

$username = “ccc”
$password = “ccc”

Build the request body

$body = @{
username = $username
password = $password
} | ConvertTo-Json

Calculate MD5 hash of the request body

$md5 = [System.Security.Cryptography.MD5]::Create()
$md5Hash = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($md5.ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($body)))

Set the Date header to the current date and time in the RFC1123 format

$dateHeader = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString(“R”)

Send the POST request to create a session

$sessionResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $sessionUrl -Method Post -Body $body -ContentType “application/json;charset=utf-8” -Headers @{
Date = $dateHeader
“Content-MD5” = $md5Hash

Extract the access key and ID from the session response

$accessKey = $sessionResponse.accessKey
$id = $

Output the access key and ID

Write-Host “Access Key: $accessKey”
Write-Host “ID: $id”

#Works fine till here

Set the endpoint for the door

$doorEndpoint = “/doors/SLPORT15”

Combine base URL with the door endpoint

$doorUrl = $baseUrl + $doorEndpoint

Set access key and ID obtained from previous response

#$accessKey = “bcdd634f89db4a1e9c9672e2f49bd90c”
#$id = “bcdd634f89db4a1e9c9672e2f49bd90c” # Assuming the ID and access key are the same based on your example

Set the Date header to the current date and time in the RFC1123 format

$dateHeader = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString(“R”)

Construct the string to sign

$stringToSign = “GETnnnhost:$baseUrlndate:$dateHeader`n/$doorEndpoint”

Sign the string using the access key

$signature = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256
$signature.Key = [Convert]::FromBase64String($accessKey)
$signatureBytes = $signature.ComputeHash([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($stringToSign))
$signatureBase64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String($signatureBytes)

Construct the Authorization header

#$authorizationHeader = “AWS $accessKey:$signatureBase64”
#$authorizationHeader = “AWS $accessKey/$signatureBase64”
$authorizationHeader = “AWS $accessKey” + “:” + $signatureBase64

Send the GET request with the Authorization header

$doorResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $doorUrl -Method Get -Headers @{
Date = $dateHeader
Authorization = $authorizationHeader

Output the response


I have gone through the documentation but i still cant figure out a way.

7.1.3 Sign a request without a body
Prerequisites: Use case 7.1.1.
This use case describes how to sign the following GET request.

GET /api/v1/cards?validTime=20130105T1200&cardHolder=jdoe HTTP/1.1
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 15:23:02 +0000

The header has no Content-MD5 field and no Content-Type field, so the second and third lines of the string that
should be signed will be empty. There is also no X-Aah-Date field, so the canonicalized headers part is omitted.
The parameters validTime and cardHolder are rearranged so they become lexicographically ordered, and the
resulting string is:

Wed, 16 Jan 2013 15:23:02 +0000\n

This string, encoded as UTF-8, has a length of 91 characters. It is signed with the session access key AQIDBAUGBwg= (which was received in use case 7.1.1) using HMAC-SHA1.
The resulting signature in hexadecimal is 341b5e6ed197d4d4dbb2148e67909e2aeedab68e. Encoded as Base 64 it becomes NBtebtGX1NTbshSOZ5CeKu7ato4=. This value is placed together with the session ID to form the header Authorization AWS 342ba291:NBtebtGX1NTbshSOZ5CeKu7ato4=.

There a typescript that one of my mates made but i cant translate it to PS.

Hi @Vikash_Ghantwal and welcome to forums!

While this is a long post, for visibility please make sure that any code follows coding practices on the forums such that it follows these standards:

I took a look at your code and found some problems that I addressed. I copied your code so reference the code block for line numbers. On line 60 and 69, it can’t interpret what the “:” is being used for so I forced it to use the subexpression $() so that it doesn’t evaluate an undeclared variable.

# Ignore SSL certificate errors (not recommended for production)
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { $true }

# Set the base URL of the web service
$baseUrl = “”

# Set the endpoint for the session
$sessionEndpoint = “/sessions”

# Combine base URL with the session endpoint
$sessionUrl = $baseUrl + $sessionEndpoint

# Set your username and password
$username = “ccc”
$password = “ccc”

# Build the request body
$body = @{
  username = $username
  password = $password
} | ConvertTo-Json

# Calculate MD5 hash of the request body
$md5 = [System.Security.Cryptography.MD5]::Create()
$md5Hash = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($md5.ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($body)))

# Set the Date header to the current date and time in the RFC1123 format
$dateHeader = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString(“R”)

# Send the POST request to create a session
$sessionResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $sessionUrl -Method Post -Body $body -ContentType “application/json;charset=utf-8” -Headers @{
  Date          = $dateHeader
  “Content-MD5” = $md5Hash

# Extract the access key and ID from the session response
$accessKey = $sessionResponse.accessKey
$id = $

# Output the access key and ID
Write-Host “Access Key: $accessKey”
Write-Host “ID: $id”

#Works fine till here

# Set the endpoint for the door
$doorEndpoint = “/doors/SLPORT15”

# Combine base URL with the door endpoint
$doorUrl = $baseUrl + $doorEndpoint

# Set access key and ID obtained from previous response
$accessKey = “bcdd634f89db4a1e9c9672e2f49bd90c”
$id = “bcdd634f89db4a1e9c9672e2f49bd90c” # Assuming the ID and access key are the same based on your example

# Set the Date header to the current date and time in the RFC1123 format
$dateHeader = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString(“R”)

# Construct the string to sign
$stringToSign = “GETnnnhost:$($baseUrlndate):$dateHeader`n/$doorEndpoint”

# Sign the string using the access key
$signature = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256
$signature.Key = [Convert]::FromBase64String($accessKey)
$signatureBytes = $signature.ComputeHash([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($stringToSign))
$signatureBase64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String($signatureBytes)

# Construct the Authorization header
$authorizationHeader = “AWS $($accessKey):$signatureBase64”
$authorizationHeader = “AWS $accessKey/$signatureBase64”
$authorizationHeader = “AWS $accessKey” + “:” + $signatureBase64

# Send the GET request with the Authorization header
$doorResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $doorUrl -Method Get -Headers @{
  Date          = $dateHeader
  Authorization = $authorizationHeader

# Output the response

Is the API documentation publicly available? If so, can you provide that so perhaps we can further assist?

1 Like

Hello @Austin_H,
Sorry just new to this forum and didnt know the standards.
Thank you for the demo, ill follow in the future.

You can get a copy from here : AAH_Web_API.pdf - Google Drive

Pages 35-41

I also have a typescript if that helps, i very new to this and appreciate all your help.

Tried to run the edited code:

Invoke-RestMethod : {
“status” : 401,
“code” : 40103,
“resource” : null,
“properties” : ,
“message” : “The supplied session ID does not exist. It may have expired.”,
“developerMessage” : “The supplied session ID does not exist. It may have expired.”
At line:29 char:17

  • … oorResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $doorUrl -Method Get -Headers @{
  •               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-RestMethod], WebException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand

The error states that you don’t have a valid session id. Are you sure you have to encode that API call?

Hello @neemobeer
Yeah, the API needs the query o be signed in certain way and im failing at that. @Austin_H cleaned up the code a bit. I am able to make new access and session keys but after that when i need to create an authorization token from those i am not quite sure if that’s correct.

The app has its own API tool which helps in creating the session and authorization header and deals with it in the background, but i wanted to accomplish the same using PS so i can write some functions to manipulate the data.

Below is an example of the exchange when we run the same API call from the APP tools, its called jsoncommander.

--- Request: ---
POST /api/v1/sessions
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2024 08:20:24 -0000
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Content-MD5: wQsVzvcXwtwzoiZ13iAVWA==

    "password": "ccc", 
    "username": "BBB"

--- Response: ---
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-length: 102
x-oneagent-js-injection: true
set-cookie: dtCookie=v_4_srv_3_sn_31ED9E600C77699539F674B619D9C4EE_perc_100000_ol_0_mul_1_app-3Aea7c4b59f27d43eb_1; Path=/, JSESSIONID=190F3421B033D72F44CE3F85441AC58C; Path=/api/v1; Secure; HttpOnly
server-timing: dtRpid;desc="1243377219", dtSInfo;desc="0"
x-version: AppWebService / Servlet
date: Fri, 12-Apr-24 08:20:25 +0000
content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8

    "accessKey": "91cce15eab47484a86ac835b76498c41", 
    "id": "9976b269e1cf49dc9fec90745cda1250"

--- Request: ---
GET /api/v1/doors/SLPORT15
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2024 08:20:25 -0000
Authorization: AWS 9976b269e1cf49dc9fec90745cda1250:A7Km2ObXgjPlmq6YtdMrI2rrsJ8=

--- Response: ---
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-oneagent-js-injection: true
transfer-encoding: chunked
set-cookie: dtCookie=v_4_srv_2_sn_3424D3DFD97C9447767390704D3A6E63_perc_100000_ol_0_mul_1_app-3Aea7c4b59f27d43eb_1; Path=/, JSESSIONID=EC42389AC9B137D1E5E0FA2F6F467DA1; Path=/api/v1; Secure; HttpOnly
expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
server-timing: dtRpid;desc="-556890316", dtSInfo;desc="0"
x-version: AppWebService / Servlet
cache-control: private
date: Fri, 12-Apr-24 08:20:25 +0000
content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8

    "allowOnOff": false, 
    "autoLock": true, 
    "doorCategory": "common (PMS)", 
    "doorGroup": "Common doors", 
    "doorGroupID": 47, 
    "doorID": 1000007, 
    "doorName": "SLPORT15", 
    "doorType": 0, 
    "escapeReturnMode": 0, 
    "exitButton": 0, 
    "exitButtonOpenTime": 0, 
    "externalRelayMode": false, 
    "id": "SLPORT15", 
    "localName": "SLPORT15", 
    "online": true, 
    "openTime": 4, 
    "roomIntervalStart": 0, 
    "roomIntervalStop": 0, 
    "temporaryAccess": [
        { }

Below is the code im trying.

# Ignore SSL certificate errors (not recommended for production)
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { $true }

# Set the base URL of the web service
$baseUrl = “”

# Set the endpoint for the session
$sessionEndpoint = “/sessions”

# Combine base URL with the session endpoint
$sessionUrl = $baseUrl + $sessionEndpoint

# Set your username and password
$username = “ccc”
$password = “ccc”

# Build the request body
$body = @{
  username = $username
  password = $password
} | ConvertTo-Json

# Calculate MD5 hash of the request body
$md5 = [System.Security.Cryptography.MD5]::Create()
$md5Hash = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($md5.ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($body)))

# Set the Date header to the current date and time in the RFC1123 format
$dateHeader = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString(“R”)

# Send the POST request to create a session
$sessionResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $sessionUrl -Method Post -Body $body -ContentType “application/json;charset=utf-8” -Headers @{
  Date          = $dateHeader
  “Content-MD5” = $md5Hash

# Extract the access key and ID from the session response
$accessKey = $sessionResponse.accessKey
$id = $

# Output the access key and ID
Write-Host “Access Key: $accessKey”
Write-Host “ID: $id”

#Works fine till here ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Set the endpoint for the door
$doorEndpoint = “/doors/SLPORT15”

# Combine base URL with the door endpoint
$doorUrl = $baseUrl + $doorEndpoint

# Set access key and ID obtained from previous response
$accessKey = “bcdd634f89db4a1e9c9672e2f49bd90c”
$id = “bcdd634f89db4a1e9c9672e2f49bd90c” # Assuming the ID and access key are the same based on your example

# Set the Date header to the current date and time in the RFC1123 format
$dateHeader = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString(“R”)

# Construct the string to sign
$stringToSign = “GETnnnhost:$($baseUrlndate):$dateHeader`n/$doorEndpoint”

# Sign the string using the access key
$signature = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256
$signature.Key = [Convert]::FromBase64String($accessKey)
$signatureBytes = $signature.ComputeHash([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($stringToSign))
$signatureBase64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String($signatureBytes)

# Construct the Authorization header
$authorizationHeader = “AWS $($accessKey):$signatureBase64”
$authorizationHeader = “AWS $accessKey/$signatureBase64”
$authorizationHeader = “AWS $accessKey” + “:” + $signatureBase64

# Send the GET request with the Authorization header
$doorResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $doorUrl -Method Get -Headers @{
  Date          = $dateHeader
  Authorization = $authorizationHeader

# Output the response

Any help will be awesome.

Well the first problem you need to solve is you have invalid double quotes. Look at how curly and “fancy” they are. Compare these


to these


This happens due to people copying blog posts/example code that is not formatted as code. Here is your snippet with those fixed. See what happens with this sanitized script

# Ignore SSL certificate errors (not recommended for production)
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { $true }

# Set the base URL of the web service
$baseUrl = ""

# Set the endpoint for the session
$sessionEndpoint = "/sessions"

# Combine base URL with the session endpoint
$sessionUrl = $baseUrl + $sessionEndpoint

# Set your username and password
$username = "ccc"
$password = "ccc"

# Build the request body
$body = @{
  username = $username
  password = $password
} | ConvertTo-Json

# Calculate MD5 hash of the request body
$md5 = [System.Security.Cryptography.MD5]::Create()
$md5Hash = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($md5.ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($body)))

# Set the Date header to the current date and time in the RFC1123 format
$dateHeader = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("R")

# Send the POST request to create a session
$sessionResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $sessionUrl -Method Post -Body $body -ContentType "application/json;charset=utf-8" -Headers @{
  Date          = $dateHeader
  "Content-MD5" = $md5Hash

# Extract the access key and ID from the session response
$accessKey = $sessionResponse.accessKey
$id = $

# Output the access key and ID
Write-Host "Access Key: $accessKey"
Write-Host "ID: $id"

#Works fine till here ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Set the endpoint for the door
$doorEndpoint = "/doors/SLPORT15"

# Combine base URL with the door endpoint
$doorUrl = $baseUrl + $doorEndpoint

# Set access key and ID obtained from previous response
$accessKey = "bcdd634f89db4a1e9c9672e2f49bd90c"
$id = "bcdd634f89db4a1e9c9672e2f49bd90c" # Assuming the ID and access key are the same based on your example

# Set the Date header to the current date and time in the RFC1123 format
$dateHeader = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("R")

# Construct the string to sign
$stringToSign = "GETnnnhost:$($baseUrlndate):$dateHeader`n/$doorEndpoint"

# Sign the string using the access key
$signature = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256
$signature.Key = [Convert]::FromBase64String($accessKey)
$signatureBytes = $signature.ComputeHash([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($stringToSign))
$signatureBase64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String($signatureBytes)

# Construct the Authorization header
$authorizationHeader = "AWS $($accessKey):$signatureBase64"
$authorizationHeader = "AWS $accessKey/$signatureBase64"
$authorizationHeader = "AWS $accessKey" + ":" + $signatureBase64

# Send the GET request with the Authorization header
$doorResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $doorUrl -Method Get -Headers @{
  Date          = $dateHeader
  Authorization = $authorizationHeader

# Output the response
1 Like

Hello @krzydoug

Yeah that might be just a copying error but i able able to generate access key and ID using the credentials.

Output the access key and ID

Write-Host “Access Key: $accessKey”
Write-Host “ID: $id”

But having issue after that encoding the command.

7.1.3 Sign a request without a body
Prerequisites: Use case 7.1.1.
This use case describes how to sign the following GET request.

GET /api/v1/cards?validTime=20130105T1200&cardHolder=jdoe HTTP/1.1
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 15:23:02 +0000

The header has no Content-MD5 field and no Content-Type field, so the second and third lines of the string that
should be signed will be empty. There is also no X-Aah-Date field, so the canonicalized headers part is omitted.
The parameters validTime and cardHolder are rearranged so they become lexicographically ordered, and the
resulting string is:

Wed, 16 Jan 2013 15:23:02 +0000\n

This string, encoded as UTF-8, has a length of 91 characters. It is signed with the session access key AQIDBAUGBwg= (which was received in use case 7.1.1) using HMAC-SHA1.
The resulting signature in hexadecimal is 341b5e6ed197d4d4dbb2148e67909e2aeedab68e. Encoded as Base 64 it becomes NBtebtGX1NTbshSOZ5CeKu7ato4=. This value is placed together with the session ID to form the header Authorization AWS 342ba291:NBtebtGX1NTbshSOZ5CeKu7ato4=.

I had a read through the document you provided and I think you’ve got a couple of bits wrong:

$signature = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256

Should be:

$signature = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1

In the documentation, they’re not converting the key from Base64 and it’s encoded as UTF 8. So this:

$signature.Key = [Convert]::FromBase64String($accessKey)

Should be:

$signature.Key = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($accessKey)

If you change those lines, you can get the same signed values as given in the example.

$stringToSign = @"

Wed, 16 Jan 2013 15:23:02 +0000

$accessKey = 'AQIDBAUGBwg='

$signature = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1
$signature.Key = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($accessKey)
$signatureBytes = $signature.ComputeHash([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($stringToSign))
$signatureBase64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String($signatureBytes)

Write-Output "HEX: $(($signatureBytes | ForEach-Object {$_.ToString('X2') }) -join '')"
Write-Output "Base64: $signatureBase64"


HEX: 341B5E6ED197D4D4DBB2148E67909E2AEEDAB68E
Base64: NBtebtGX1NTbshSOZ5CeKu7ato4=

If testing the above as a script, you’ll need to make sure that you save it in Unix LF rather than Windows CRLF format otherwise you won’t get the expect hash values.

1 Like

Hello @matt-bloomfield,

Thank you for the pointers. I am just trying it on a windows machine via PS ISE.

There is a proprietary app used for these curls which take care of the session ID and encoding process by itself. I have the output from the app, but ive never been able to accomplish to get it going from PS.

--- Request: ---
POST /api/v1/sessions
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 09:41:27 -0000
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Content-MD5: wQsVzvcXwtwzoiZ13iAVWA==

    "password": "ABC", 
    "username": "ABC"

--- Response: ---
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-length: 102
x-oneagent-js-injection: true
set-cookie: dtCookie=v_4_srv_2_sn_BCB2DF878103ED812F2269A9C8E8DA7F_perc_100000_ol_0_mul_1_app-3Aea7c4b59f27d43eb_1; Path=/, JSESSIONID=6EC83D365BCD50CBBB4BFD87A601EBF6; Path=/api/v1; Secure; HttpOnly
server-timing: dtRpid;desc="-542391961", dtSInfo;desc="0"
x-version: AppWebService / Servlet
date: Mon, 22-Apr-24 09:41:28 +0000
content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8

    "accessKey": "98e7aaa338a14b6e8c72a70094766d54", 
    "id": "2ce1c53953d4416f884b854deb2239ce"

--- Request: ---
GET /api/v1/doors/SLPORT15
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 09:41:29 -0000
Authorization: AWS 2ce1c53953d4416f884b854deb2239ce:6fXdL/55HJMULziVqgLFm2G4xLo=

If i point these to the variables in the script, $accessKey and $id

    "accessKey": "98e7aaa338a14b6e8c72a70094766d54", 
    "id": "2ce1c53953d4416f884b854deb2239ce"

I cant seem to get the authorization token right if i try from the Script

From proprietary app

Authorization: AWS 2ce1c53953d4416f884b854deb2239ce:6fXdL/55HJMULziVqgLFm2G4xLo=

From PS Script

# Sign the string using the access key
$signature = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1
$signature.Key = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($accessKey)
$signatureBytes = $signature.ComputeHash([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($stringToSign))
$signatureBase64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String($signatureBytes)

PS C:\Temp> $authorizationHeader = "AWS $id" + ":" + $signatureBase64

PS C:\Temp> $authorizationHeader
AWS 2ce1c53953d4416f884b854deb2239ce:wHOY34qOsC0Y1T5Gh+wS4CXjwIc=

Im a bit new to calling API’s via PS and really appreciate your time.

Coming in late here, but I’m able to get the same token as the proprietary app by following the method @matt-bloomfield shared.
From your recent example @Vikash_Ghantwal I used this as the string to sign:

$Stringtosign = @"

Mon, 22 Apr 2024 09:41:29 -0000

That’s the HTTP Verb, a blank line for the content-MD5header, a blank line for the content-type header. Then the date the request was sent and the resource that was requested.
Then I stored the access key in a string variable called $AccessKey and ran this:

$signature = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1
$signature.key = [text.encoding]::utf8.GetBytes($accesskey)
$signaturebytes = $signature.computehash([text.encoding]::utf8.getbytes($stringtosign))
$signaturebase64 = [convert]::ToBase64String($signaturebytes)

And the resulting value of the $signaturebase64 ended up being:


Hello @grey0ut,

Thank you for pointing out, my $Stringtosign was wrong , the $dateHeader ended with GMT instead of +0000.

I have fixed that and now able to see the same results :slight_smile: ive never come so close even after 2 months of trying.

Now, how do i send the encoded string ?
I was using the below, but i get an error. Am i using to many headers ?

# Send the GET request with the Authorization header
$doorResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $doorUrl -Method Get -Headers @{
    Date         = $dateHeader
    Authorization = $authorizationHeader

Also to create the $doorUrl i use the below. Is it correct or do i need to only send $baseurl

# Set the base URL of the web service
$baseUrl = ""

# Set the endpoint for the door
$doorEndpoint = "/api/v1/doors/SLPORT15"

# Combine base URL with the door endpoint
$doorUrl = $baseUrl + $doorEndpoint

So close here :slight_smile:

@matt-bloomfield @grey0ut
I thank you all for your input, ive finally managed to get it working. Thank you for your time guys :slight_smile:


Sorry as a new user i can only tag 2 people at a time.
@Austin_H @neemobeer
I thank you all for your input, ive finally managed to get it working. Thank you for your time guys :slight_smile: