I have an excel macro file which contain multiple sheets in it.
What I want is I have to search for a matching string in all the sheets and replace them if match found.
Note : The matching text will be present in a random cell and random sheet.
It would be like ‘\RS-DISCISDG01\dshare\runwork\deploy_area’ and it should be replaced to ‘\DF-USTRYFYG897\dshare\runwork\deploy_area’
In the below code, am just trying to find the matching pattern and its not working as expected.
Please suggest a way to find and replace the content in excel macro file.
$File = 'D:\myproject\JVDT\Workbook\RunMaster.xlsm' $SearchText = 'RS-DISCISDG01' $replacetext = 'DF-USTRYFYG897' $Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application $Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($File) foreach ($WorkSheet in $workbook.Worksheets) { $val = $Worksheet.usedrange.Find($SearchText) Write-Host "val : $val" If($Worksheet.usedrange.Find($SearchText)) { $Workbook.Close($false) write-host "Search text Exists" # $workbook.close($false) break } } $Excel.Quit() [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Excel)