How to created multiple users in different OUs based on data from a CSV file?

Hello there,

I’ll start by pointing out that I am very new to PowerShell and to this forum.

So here is my situation:

I managed to find a script that created multiple users in AD based on a .csv file. Originally the .csv file included the following headers: CN,sAMAccountName,LastName,FirstName. I managed to add a Group header so that the created users are made members of groups based on what is on the .csv file.
It all works perfectly as I want it to. But now I want to add another header, “ParentOU” so that users will be created in or moved to the OU specified in the “ParentOU” column. That I was not able to include in my script and I am wondering if someone here could help me with that.

Sample .csv entry:

John Smith,SMIJ030787,Smith,John,Class01,'OU=Winter2015,OU=Students,DC=Domain,DC=Local'


$dataSource=import-csv -Path "C:\Users.csv"
foreach($dataRecord in $datasource) {
$displayName=$givenName + " " + $sn
$userPrincipalName=$sAMAccountName + "@domain.local"
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $group -Member $dataRecord.sAMAccountName

As you can see from the script code, I defined a variable $ou for the OU in which the user is to be created at, but unfortunately, I don’t know how to continue with the proper command to make it work.

Thank you for all your help,

Hey A R,

I think there’s maybe a different way to approach that will make it a bit simpler. At the moment it looks like you have a mix of ADSI and the PS AD cmdlets.

There is an AD cmdlet, New-ADUser, which can be used for doing the account creation. What’s nice is that amongst other things, it has a -Path parameter where you can specific the location where the account is to be created. I’ve put some sample code below.

PowerShell also has is a fantastic feature called splatting. This allows us to define a hash table (called $properties below) which provided it contains the name of the parameter and it’s value means that we can group these nicely together and just pass that hash table ($properties) to the cmdlet. For commands like New-ADUser, this is great because you can have some serious long lines of parameters and settings. You’ll notice that when you put it after the cmdlet name, you use a ‘@’ in place of the ‘$’ defined in the hash table.

Try the code below, and let us know how you get on. :slight_smile:

$datasource = Import-Csv -Path 'C:\Users.csv'
foreach($dataRecord in $datasource) 
    $secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'password' -AsPlainText -Force 

    $properties = @{
        DisplayName       = "$($dataRecord.FirstName) $($"
        SAMaccountName    = $dataRecord.sAMAccountName
        Surname           = $dataRecord.LastName
        Path              = $dataRecord.ParentOU
        UserPrincipalName = $sAMAccountName + '@domain.local'
        GivenName         = $dataRecord.FirstName
        AccountPassword   = $secpasswd
        Enabled           = $True
        Name              = $

    New-ADUser @properties
    Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $group -Member $dataRecord.sAMAccountName

In the case where the user is already created based on script above:
Move-ADObject -Identity (Get-ADUser $DataRecord.sAMAccountName) -TargetPath $OU

Or in your example above you could change the following line:
$objUser=$ObjOU.Create(“user”,“CN=” + $cn + “,” + $OU)

The second one I’m not so sure on simply because I am unsure of the $ObjUser object type. Haven’t played much in AD cmdlets unfortunately.

Hello Tim Pringle,

I kind of knew that there is/are something mixed in the code I provided above but I didn’t know what. I’m glad you pointed that out.
Your code looks a lot more “elegant” than the one I posted.

I’m going to give it a try and see how it works. I’ll post my findings later.

Thank you so much for your help.

Hello K. Chris Nakagaki,

The line that you added is most likely the line that I couldn’t figure out how to write by myself.
It looks like it will also work. However as I mentioned in my reply to Tim Pringle, his code is a lot more elegant than mine so I might rethink my whole strategy.

I am still going to give your line of code a try and see if it works for me and post my findings.

Thank you so much for your help, I truly appreciate it.

Hello K. Chris Nakagaki,

Your solution seemed to work better and since it requires little to no modifications of the existing code, I adopted it…
Now, since each new user could also be a member of a different group, how would I add a description such as “Member of Groupxxx” where Groupxxx should be based on $group variable to the users’ properties?

Thank you,