How to convert to HTML, help please!


i have a script doing some extraction to check if there is snapshot, and show the date created, age of days…

i need to convert it to html and email out. i ran the script and the email has totally white blank body… not sure where is wrong / well, i am also not sure if i am doing it correctly…

p.s: i edited an existing script to my own though…


Get script path for later

$PSScriptRoot = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$scriptinfo = “<br/><br/><font face=verdana size=-2>Script $PSScriptRoot running from $env:COMPUTERNAME</font>”
$ScriptCommonName = “VM Snapshot Check”
$timestamp = Get-Date -format dd-MM-yyyy
$MaintenanceCount = 0
$UnregisteredCount = 0

#Create HTML Header
$head = ‘<style>
META{http-equiv:refresh content:30;}
TABLE{border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;border-collapse: collapse;}
TH{font-size:10px; border-width: 1px;padding: 6px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color:LightSteelBlue}
TD{font-size:10px; border-width: 1px;padding: 6px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color:GhostWhite}

Assign email(s) to $sendto and SMTP server to $SMTPsrv

$sendto = “
$SMTPsrv = “
$subject = “[CHECKS] Virtual machine snapshot – $timestamp”

connecting to V-Center

$credential = get-vicredentialstoreitem -file E:\script\credentialstored.cred
set-powercliconfiguration -invalidcertificateaction ignore -confirm:$false
Connect-VIServer -Server $ -user $credential.user -password $credential.password
write-host “Connected”
write-host “Checking VM Snapshot”
Get-VM | Get-Snapshot | select vm, name, created, @{Label=“Age”;Expression={($.created - [datetime]::Now).days}},@{Label=“Size”;Expression={[math]::Round($.SizeGB,2)}} | sort @{expression=“Age”} | format-table
Write-host “Complete” -Foregroundcolor Green

$messageParameters = @{
Subject = $subject
Body = $body + $scriptinfo
From = “
To = $sendto
SmtpServer = “$SMTPsrv”

Send e-mail with Server load data

Send-MailMessage @messageParameters -BodyAsHtml

There is a book ‘Creating HTML Reports in Windows PowerShell’ by Don Jones, and you can refer it online…

Thank you.

Don’t forget to format the HTML. You can use OUT-GRIDVIEW to give yourself something to see, or you can get the module “OUT-HTMLVIEW”, which is basically the same thing but in an html file. Here is a snip of some HTML formatting stuff I use for some emailed reports. Obviously, you’ll not need most of this, but maybe it’ll help get you going. I keep this stuff in a global variables file and call it in the scripts using . sourcing.

$redColor = "#FF0000" 

$orangeColor = “#FBB917

$whiteColor = “#FFF

$tableBorderColor = “#999

$titleBackgroundColor = “#B11B2F

$titleFontColor = “#EEE

$bodyBackgroundColor = “#FFF

$rowColorOdd = “#EEE

$rowColorEven = “#B0C8FE

#Set warning and critical thresholds to trigger the above cell color changes, useful for some types of reports.

$percentWarning = 100;

$percentCritcal = 15;

$titleDate = get-date -uformat “Date %m-%d-%Y - %A”

#HTML Header of report, creates a nice big block with the report name and date, and some padding between the row cells.

$header = "

<!DOCTYPE html><head><title>$reportTitle$titleDate</title>

<STYLE TYPE=‘text/css’>


th, tr, td{font-family:Calibri;font-size:12px;text-align:left;vertical-align:middle;

border-style:solid;border-color:$tableBorderColor;border-width:1px;border-radius:3px 0px 3px 0px;padding:3px;}



body{margin:5px 5px 0px 10px;background-color:$bodyBackgroundColor;}






$reportData | Sort-Object “Name” | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $header | Out-File $reportPath$reportName

Send-MailMessage -From $From -To $To -Subject “$reportTitle$(Get-Date -Format ‘D’)” -Body (Get-Content $reportPath$reportName | out-string ) -BodyAsHtml