How to alter connection string using powershell?

Apparently the databases/cubes in an analysis server contain “script connection as > alter” option

I want to use a powershell script like this:

    $hashtable = @{}
Import-Csv "CSV_file" | ForEach-Object {
    $hashtable += @{$($_.Server) = ($_.Cube -split '\s*,\s*') }

Import-Module SqlServer

foreach($server in $hashtable.Keys){ 

   $Analysis_Server = New-Object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server  

   foreach($CUBE in $hashtable[$server]) {

      ####### Setting connection property for $Cube #######
    <Alter ObjectExpansion="ExpandFull" xmlns="">
        <DataSource xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ddl2="" xmlns:ddl2_2="" xmlns:ddl100_100="" xmlns:ddl200="" xmlns:ddl200_200="" xmlns:ddl300="" xmlns:ddl300_300="" xmlns:ddl400="" xmlns:ddl400_400="" xmlns:ddl500="" xmlns:ddl500_500="" xsi:type="RelationalDataSource">
            <ConnectionString>Connection Timeout=60;User Id=someID;Password=pass;Data;Persist Security Info=True;Session Character Set=UTF8</ConnectionString>


that takes input a csv file


and loops through the databases/cubes in the server to alter their DataSource ``

However i am sure that there is something missing in that script, but the thing is if i run that XML in SSMS, it complain about the Name element for DataSource is required. i understand that the full XML is needed, but it wont work from a script perspective that i am trying to accomplish because i cant have the same DataSource for other databases i have in the server. they are all possibly different, so the ID, Name, etc…have to be removed from the XML query in powershell script.

i receive this error

The object definition supplied for the ALTER statement is of a different type that the object reference to be altered.

Unfortunately, this isn’t really a PowerShell question per se. The error you’re getting is from the database server. Also, note that you can’t just paste XML here in the forums. You’d need to make a Gist of it in order to get raw XML to display.

I’m not sure I’d personally be able to help, here, because I don’t understand entirely what you’re asking the database server to do. It might be worth asking in a more SQL Server-specific forum, or on, which is a bit broader…?

[quote quote=124194]Unfortunately, this isn’t really a PowerShell question per se. The error you’re getting is from the database server. Also, note that you can’t just paste XML here in the forums. You’d need to make a Gist of it in order to get raw XML to display.

I’m not sure I’d personally be able to help, here, because I don’t understand entirely what you’re asking the database server to do. It might be worth asking in a more SQL Server-specific forum, or on, which is a bit broader…?

It’s ok, I have figured it out :slight_smile:

Import-Module SqlServer

$newConnectionString = "Connection Timeout=60;User Id=SOME_NEW_ID;Data Source=;Persist Security Info=True;Session Character Set=UTF8"

$svr = new-Object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular.Server

$svr.databases[1].model.datasources[0].ConnectionString = $newConnectionString