How to add a column count...

Hi, I have written this script to look at deployment status for SCCM.

All works fine, but would like to add a column at the start to count the items as it runs down.

Count - App - Status
1 office Success
2 office Success
3 office Success

Function Get-DeploymentStatus {      
        #Set application name

        [ValidateSet("Success", "InProgress", "RequirementsNotMet","Unknown","error")]

Begin {

$query = @{
    Namespace = 'root\SMS\site_AAC'
    ClassName = 'SMS_AppDeploymentAssetDetails'
    Filter = "AppName like '$AppName' and CollectionName like '$Collection'"


$AppStatusTypeTable = DATA {ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    1 = Success
    2 = InProgress
    3 = RequirementsNotMet
    4 = Unknown
    5 = Error

}#End Begin

process {

Get-CimInstance @query | 
        Select-Object AppName,Machinename,
        @{Name="StatusOfApplication";Expression={$AppStatusTypeTable["$($PSItem.AppStatusType)"]}} |
        where {$PSItem.StatusOfApplication -eq "$status"} 

}#End Process   

}#End of Function

Any help would be great, banging my head against a brick wall !

If I’ve understood what you’re after, I think this will work.

Add $count = 0 to the Begin block.

Add $count++ to the Process block.

Add @{Name=“Count”;Expression={$count}} to your Select-Object

Hi Matt,

I’ve tried that, but doesn’t count up…

Function Get-DeploymentStatus {      
        #Set application name

        [ValidateSet("Success", "InProgress", "RequirementsNotMet","Unknown","error")]

Begin {

$query = @{
    Namespace = 'root\SMS\site_AAC'
    ClassName = 'SMS_AppDeploymentAssetDetails'
    Filter = "AppName like '$AppName' and CollectionName like '$Collection'"

$count = 0 #Set counter for 'count' column in select statement

$AppStatusTypeTable = DATA {ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    1 = Success
    2 = InProgress
    3 = RequirementsNotMet
    4 = Unknown
    5 = Error

}#End Begin

process {

$count++ #post-incrementation

Get-CimInstance @query | 
        Select-Object  @{Name="Count";Expression={$count}},
        @{Name="StatusOfApplication";Expression={$AppStatusTypeTable["$($PSItem.AppStatusType)"]}} |
        #filter out "status"
        where {$PSItem.StatusOfApplication -eq "$status"} 

}#End Process   

}#End of Function

This is what the result looks like…

 Count AppName                                                   Machinename                                               StatusOfApplication                                      
                                                    ----- -------                                                   -----------                                               -------------------                                      
                                                        1 "PackageName"                  Machine01                                              Success                                                  
                                                        1 "PackageName"                  Machine-02                                              Success                                                  
                                                        1 "PackageName"                  Machine-03                                              Success                                                  
                                                        1 "PackageName"                  Machine-04                                              Success                                                  
                                                        1 "PackageName"                  Machine-05                                              Success           

Do i need to “count” on something ?

Cracked it…

needed to set a “scope” once $Script: was put in front of the count it worked.

Function Get-DeploymentStatus {      
        #Set application name

        [ValidateSet("Success", "InProgress", "RequirementsNotMet","Unknown","error")]

Begin {

#Set query for 'Get-Ciminstance' search
$query = @{
    Namespace = 'root\SMS\site_AAC'
    ClassName = 'SMS_AppDeploymentAssetDetails'
    Filter = "AppName like '$AppName' and CollectionName like '$Collection'"

#Set counter for 'count' column in select statement
$script:count = 1 

$AppStatusTypeTable = DATA {ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    1 = Success
    2 = InProgress
    3 = RequirementsNotMet
    4 = Unknown
    5 = Error

}#End Begin

process {

#Run get-ciminstance with query
Get-CimInstance @query | 
        Select-Object @{Name="Count";Expression={$Script:count;$Script:count++}},
        @{Name="StatusOfApplication";Expression={$AppStatusTypeTable["$($PSItem.AppStatusType)"]}} |
        #filter out "status"
        where {$PSItem.StatusOfApplication -eq "$status"}      

}#End Process   

}#End of Function

Thanks for your help Matt.

I’ve add a “where” statement to filter on desired result (i.e. Success), is there a better way to do this ?

That’s interesting. I thought the PROCESS block would increment the counter without any fiddling.

I’m not sure if there’s a better way. I don’t have SCCM at home so I can’t test. I did wonder if you could move it to your query by adding AppStatusType=1 to your filter.