Checking on correct usage


For the below block of script,

#Run get-ciminstance with query
Get-CimInstance @query | 
    Select-Object @{Name="Count";Expression={$Script:count;$Script:count++}},
    @{Name="StatusOfApplication";Expression={$AppStatusTypeTable["$($PSItem.AppStatusType)"]}} |
    where {$PSItem.StatusOfApplication -eq "$status"} -OutVariable Countcheck 

I’ve added an outvariable so i can run a small count check at the end and display a message if the result comes back with less than 0,

if([int]($countcheck).count-le 0){write-host -foreground Cyan "No Data found with the Status of `"$status"" "}

Just want to know, am i doing best practice ? It works fine, but am i using the best usage of code for what i’m after ?

Full script below.

Many thanks.

Function Get-DeploymentStatus {      
        #Set application name


Begin {

#Set query for 'Get-Ciminstance' search
$query = @{
    Namespace = 'root\SMS\site_AAC'
    ClassName = 'SMS_AppDeploymentAssetDetails'
    Filter = "AppName like '$AppName' and CollectionName like '$Collection'"

#Set counter for 'count' column in select statement
$script:count = 1 

#Application Status table 
$AppStatusTypeTable = DATA {ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    1 = Success
    2 = InProgress
    3 = RequirementsNotMet
    4 = Unknown
    5 = Error

}#End Begin

process {

#Run get-ciminstance with query
Get-CimInstance @query | 
    Select-Object @{Name="Count";Expression={$Script:count;$Script:count++}},
    @{Name="StatusOfApplication";Expression={$AppStatusTypeTable["$($PSItem.AppStatusType)"]}} |
    where {$PSItem.StatusOfApplication -eq "$status"} -OutVariable Countcheck 
#If 0 count display a message
if([int]($countcheck).count-le 0){write-host -foreground Cyan "No Data found with the Status of `"$status"" "}

}#End Process   

}#End of Function               

Nothing wrong with that.

Thanks Don. :relaxed: