How can i get the output


I have an array which contains a load of test results.
I need to cycle from each result and output the value into a CSV file.

The array is created from the output of a pester test:

ErrorRecord            : Expected: value was {Connection Failed}, but should not have been the same
ParameterizedSuiteName : 
Describe               : Network Test Status
Parameters             : {}
Passed                 : False
Show                   : All
FailureMessage         : Expected: value was {Connection Failed}, but should not have been the same
Time                   : 00:00:14.5828361
Name                   : Connect to Database
Result                 : Failed
Context                : 
StackTrace             : at , C:\ScriptOutPut\PesterTests\Network_Pester.Test.ps1: line 13
                         13:             $SQLResult | should not be "Connection Failed"

ErrorRecord            : 
ParameterizedSuiteName : 
Describe               : Network Test Status
Parameters             : {}
Passed                 : True
Show                   : All
FailureMessage         : 
Time                   : 00:00:03.0306725
Name                   : Test Connection to Remote Server
Result                 : Passed
Context                : 
StackTrace             : 

ErrorRecord            : 
ParameterizedSuiteName : 
Describe               : Network Test Status
Parameters             : {}
Passed                 : True
Show                   : All
FailureMessage         : 
Time                   : 00:00:00.6058733
Name                   : Copy File
Result                 : Passed
Context                : 
StackTrace             : 

I can run a foreach loop to filter the values i want but only if i use write-host, but obviously this wont export to CSV.

foreach ($Result in $TestResults.TestResult){
write-host $Result.Name, $Result.Time,$Result.Result


Connect to Database 00:00:14.5828361 Failed
Test Connection to Remote Server 00:00:03.0306725 Passed
Copy File 00:00:00.6058733 Passed

Any ideas would be mush appreciated



you might be able to use a hash table something like (untested)

$hash = @{}

Foreach ($results in $testResults.TestResult){

$hash | export-csv -path C:\temp\mycsv.csv

Thanks Simon, I’d already tried that approach, but still no luck.

… and

$TestResults.TestResult | Select-Object -Property Name,Time,Result
does not work??

What does the whole script look like? A powershell script can only output one type of object at a time because of format-table implicitly running at the end.

Hi Olaf, that worked! Knew it had to be easy.
Just one more thing, with that output is there anyway to add another column output.

this is what i have now:

Name                             Time             Result
----                             ----             ------
Connect to Database              00:00:14.5828361 Failed
Test Connection to Remote Server 00:00:03.0306725 Passed
Copy File                        00:00:00.6058733 Passed

Ideally id like to add:

Name                             Time             Result Date
----                             ----             ------ -----
Connect to Database              00:00:14.5828361 Failed 10/08/2017
Test Connection to Remote Server 00:00:03.0306725 Passed 10/08/2017
Copy File                        00:00:00.6058733 Passed 10/08/2017
$TestResults.TestResult | Select-Object -Property Name,

Hi Random, thanks for the reply. That didn’t work for me i had already tried, its almost there but just adds the date to the first row.

Anyway i seem to have found a way by using:

Add-Member -NotePropertyName Time -NotePropertyValue $Time
Name                           Time             Result Date 
----                           ----             ------ ---- 
Connect to Database            00:00:00.0350361 Passed 11:34
Copies within 700ms            00:00:00.6227508 Passed 11:34
Ping round trip less than 50ms 00:00:00.0520020 Passed 11:34
Disk Queue length less than 2  00:00:00.9977253 Passed 11:34

