I have been working on this script for a few days now based on my limited PowerShell skills and I would welcome some feedback from some of the more experienced of you on where I can improve the script and what things I have done wrong or not to best practise so I can correct them where necessary.
$EUC_OU = “OU=MyOU,DC=my,DC=domain,DC=com”
$FEPool = “fepool1.mydomain.com”
$LyncGroup = “GG-Lync-Deny-Access”
$CountSkipped = [int]“0”
$CountEnabled = [int]“0”
$CountDisabled = [int]“0”
$CountProgress = [int]“0”
Function Test-ADGroupMember {
Param ($User,$Group)
Trap {Return “error”}
If (
Get-ADUser -Filter “memberOf -RecursiveMatch ‘$((Get-ADGroup $Group).DistinguishedName)’” -SearchBase $((Get-ADUser $User).DistinguishedName)
) {$true}
Else {$false}
#Retrieving a list of users in the OU to be Lync enabled
$CSUsers = Get-CsAduser -filter {WindowsEmailAddress -like “*@whitbread.com”} -OU $EUC_OU
$CountTotal = ($CSUsers | Measure).Count
ForEach($CSU in $CSUsers)
Write-Progress -activity “Processing list of users” -status "Percent complete: " -percentComplete (($CountProgress / $CountTotal) * 100)
#Get the variables in place for the rest of the script
$SamAccountName = $CSU.SamAccountName
$DisplayName = $CSU.DisplayName
$UPN = $CSU.UserPrincipalName
#Checking if the user is a member of the Lync deny security group
$LyncDeny = Test-ADGroupMember -User $SamAccountName -Group $LyncGroup
if ($LyncDeny -ne $True)
#If in here then user is not a member of the Lync deny group so check if they are already enabled and if not enable them
if ($CSU.Enabled -ne $True)
#Enabling the user for Lync
Enable-CsUser -Identity $UPN -RegistrarPool $FEPool -SipAddressType EmailAddress
Write-Output "User $DisplayName has been enabled for Lync"
Write-Verbose "User $DisplayName is already enabled so skipping"
#If in here then user is a member of the Lync deny group so check if they are enabled and disable them
if ($CSU.Enabled -eq $True)
#User is enabled for Lync and should not be so will disable them on Lync
Write-Warning "User $DisplayName is enabled for Lync and shouldn't be ... commencing disabling"
Set-CsUser -Identity $UPN -Enabled $False
Disable-CsUser -Identity $UPN -Confirm:$false
Write-Verbose "User $DisplayName is a member of the group $LyncGroup so not enabling for Lync"
Write-Output "Results "
Write-Output “Total: $CountTotal”
Write-Output “Skipped: $CountSkipped”
Write-Output “Enabled: $CountEnabled”
Write-Output “Disabled: $CountDisabled”