Help with a custom object

This is probably a really simple answer but I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. I have this code:

Select Name, @{ n = 'FreeSpace'; e = { [int]($_.FreeSpace/1GB) } },
		   @{ n = 'Capacity'; e = { [int]($_.Capacity/1GB) } },
		   @{ n = 'PercentFree'; e = { [math]::round($_.FreeSpace / $_.Capacity * 100) } },

and this works fine. The only thing I want to do is add a % sign after the value of “PercentFree” and I just don’t know the correct syntax.
I tried:

@{ n = 'PercentFree'; e = { [math]::round($_.FreeSpace / $_.Capacity * 100) } '%' },

but know that does not even look right, let alone work…lol


"$([math]::round($_.FreeSpace / $_.Capacity * 100))%"

Try that inside the expression

Use the format operator.

@{n='PercentFree';exp={"{0}%" -f [math]::round($_.FreeSpace / $_.Capacity * 100) }}

Thanks, this worked great! I didn’t even know about the format operator.

Thought this could be worth mentioning:

You don’t need to one-line the statement in the expression part. It’s a full script block and you could write more complex stuff on multiple lines (or with semicolons):

PS M:\> Get-Item . | Select-Object @{n="Test"; e={$x=123; $y=321; $z = (Test-Connection "" -Count 2 | Measure-Object -Property "ResponseTime" -Sum).Sum; $x + $y + $z}}



It might hurt the readability if you put many things in the expression, but the possibility is there :slight_smile:
