Help on Writing Output Information to PS Console.

Below is my Sample Code

    $scon2 = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
    $scon2.ConnectionString = "$sconstring"

    $cmd3 = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
    $cmd3.Connection = $scon2
    $cmd3.CommandType = [System.Data.CommandType]::StoredProcedure
    $cmd3.CommandText = "sp_replmonitorsubscriptionpendingcmds"

    $cmd3.CommandTimeout = 0

From the above Code Everything Works fine but these below code of lines

is writing the below information (which i dont want) to the console (am using Write-Host ) of power shell

AllowDBNull : True
AutoIncrement : False
AutoIncrementSeed : 0
AutoIncrementStep : 1
Caption : DataBaseName
ColumnName : DataBaseName
Prefix :
DataType : System.String
DateTimeMode : UnspecifiedLocal
DefaultValue :
Expression :
ExtendedProperties : {}
MaxLength : -1
Namespace :
Ordinal : 0
ReadOnly : False
Table : {}
Unique : False
ColumnMapping : Element
Site :
Container :
DesignMode : False

-------- below this my actual output comes as below-------------


DataBaseName DataBaseType PendingTXns Estimated Time(Sec)

HDR9_CDB Catalog 0 0
HDR9_CDB_SCHEMA CatalogSchema 0 0
SONPD_MDB Model 0 0
HDR9_SDB Site 0 0
HDR9_SDB_SCHEMA SiteSchema 0 0


DataBaseName DataBaseType PendingTXns Estimated Time(Sec)

HDR9_CDB Catalog 0 0
HDR9_CDB_SCHEMA CatalogSchema 0 0
SONPD_MDB Model 0 0
HDR9_SDB Site 0 0
HDR9_SDB_SCHEMA SiteSchema 0 0

  1. Can any one please advise me how to get rid of that unnecessary stuff written on power shell console
  2. I have done using Cls but this will wipe entire my results and it will show only last result (as am calling this through a function in script three times).

you can use


This will suppress the message you code is generating.
As for the loop, we need to see the code whats going on there.

Thanks for the information and quick help.

Can you please explain little bit in detail. In terms where to use it my code or probably some sample code [void]$…

I never work with System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, so its a littlebit hard to quess where the output is comming from.
Gt is in powershell_ice and go line by line. It should give the exact lines you have to change.

Thanks Mr Chris, Highly Appreciated.

There’s also another way to prevent output instead of using [void] and it’s outputting (piping) to Null.


Something here | Out-Null