help does not work in the function

I have created a function with the [cmdletbinding()] attribute, however when I run

help <name of the function> it does not return the help on the function. However the function works fine when I run it with the specified parameters.

and when I use help <name of the function> it is listed twice in the drop down menu. Any suggestions on this?

Hmmm … please be honest: Do you really think you provided enough information for us to be able to help you? :wink: :smiley: Please provide more detailed information.

Write it like this and show us



Short description
Long description
Example of how to use this cmdlet
Another example of how to use this cmdlet
function Verb-Noun

Param1 help description


Param2 help description




Hmmm … I recommend to read The PowerShell Best Practices and Style Guide - especially the chapter about Code Layout & Formatting and there particularily the paragraph about Indentation! :wink: :smiley:

[quote quote=167929]Hmmm … I recommend to read The PowerShell Best Practices and Style Guide – especially the chapter about Code Layout & Formatting and there particularily the paragraph about Indentation! :wink: :grinning:

thats the site :slight_smile:

my editor works like a charm :slight_smile:


I fixed one part of the issue. I deleted the Module folder and recreated it. It is under Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Get-Test\Get-Test.psm1

Now if I type help Get-Test, it shows the help. However still when I run help Get-T I see all the functions which start with Get-T and I see two listing for Get-Test, the first command works fine. However when I select the second Get-Test in the list, it types the below in the console.

help Get-Test\Get-Test

and when I run it, it returns an error saying Get-help: Get-help could not find Get-Test\Get-Test in a help file in this session.

Are you still using the PowerShell console session you opened before. Try opening a new console.

OK, so how do you think others do it here in this forum? :wink: … I’ll show you what I mean:

A brief description of the function.

        A detailed description of the function.

    .PARAMETER  ParameterA
        The description of the ParameterA parameter.

    .PARAMETER  ParameterB
        The description of the ParameterB parameter.

        PS C:\&gt; Get-Something -ParameterA 'One value' -ParameterB 32

        PS C:\&gt; Get-Something 'One value' 32



        Additional information about the function go here.




function Test-AdvancedFunction {
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]

    [Parameter(Position = 1)]
Begin {
    try {
    catch {
Process {
    try {
    catch {
End {
    try {
    catch {


I’d say: No, it’s not the site. :wink: :smiley: