Have script send email only on error

I found a script that runs a number of Active Directory and Domain Controller health checks. How can I have the script send an email only if one or more of the test fail? Here is the script:

Get-ADHealth.ps1 - Domain Controller Health Check Script.

Place this script in the C:\scripts folder on a Domain Controller. This script performs a list of common health checks to a specific domain, or the entire forest. The results are then compiled into a colour coded HTML report.

The results are currently only output to HTML for email or as an HTML report file, or sent as an SMTP message with an HTML body.

Perform a health check on a specific Active Directory domain.

Output the report details to a file in the current directory.

Send the report via email. You have to configure the correct SMTP settings.

.\Get-ADHealth.ps1 -ReportFile
Checks all domains and all domain controllers in your current forest and creates a report.

.\Get-ADHealth.ps1 -DomainName alitajran.com -ReportFile
Checks all the domain controllers in the specified domain "alitajran.com" and creates a report.

.\Get-ADHealth.ps1 -DomainName alitajran.com -SendEmail
Checks all the domain controllers in the specified domain "alitajran.com" and sends the resulting report as an email message.


Written by: ALI TAJRAN
Website:    alitajran.com
LinkedIn:   linkedin.com/in/alitajran

V1.00, 01/21/2023 - Initial version
V1.10, 06/18/2023 - Added SMTP port to $smpsettings hashtable and date/time to $reportfilename


[Parameter( Mandatory = $false)]

[Parameter( Mandatory = $false)]
[Parameter( Mandatory = $false)]



Global Variables


$now = Get-Date
$date = $now.ToShortDateString()
[array]$allDomainControllers = @()
$reportime = Get-Date
$reportemailsubject = “Domain Controller Health Report”

$smtpsettings = @{
To = ‘email@domain.com’
From = ‘adhealth@yourdomain.com’
Subject = “$reportemailsubject - $now”
SmtpServer = “mail.domain.com
Port = “25”




This function gets all the domains in the forest.

Function Get-AllDomains() {
Write-Verbose “…running function Get-AllDomains”
$allDomains = (Get-ADForest).Domains
return $allDomains

This function gets all the domain controllers in a specified domain.

Function Get-AllDomainControllers ($DomainNameInput) {
Write-Verbose “…running function Get-AllDomainControllers”
[array]$allDomainControllers = Get-ADDomainController -Filter * -Server $DomainNameInput
return $allDomainControllers

This function tests the name against DNS.

Function Get-DomainControllerNSLookup($DomainNameInput) {
Write-Verbose “…running function Get-DomainControllerNSLookup”
try {
$domainControllerNSLookupResult = Resolve-DnsName $DomainNameInput -Type A | select -ExpandProperty IPAddress

    $domainControllerNSLookupResult = 'Success'
catch {
    $domainControllerNSLookupResult = 'Fail'
return $domainControllerNSLookupResult


This function tests the connectivity to the domain controller.

Function Get-DomainControllerPingStatus($DomainNameInput) {
Write-Verbose “…running function Get-DomainControllerPingStatus”
If ((Test-Connection $DomainNameInput -Count 1 -quiet) -eq $True) {
$domainControllerPingStatus = “Success”

Else {
    $domainControllerPingStatus = 'Fail'
return $domainControllerPingStatus


This function tests the domain controller uptime.

Function Get-DomainControllerUpTime($DomainNameInput) {
Write-Verbose “…running function Get-DomainControllerUpTime”

If ((Test-Connection $DomainNameInput -Count 1 -quiet) -eq $True) {
    try {
        $W32OS = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $DomainNameInput -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        $timespan = $W32OS.ConvertToDateTime($W32OS.LocalDateTime) - $W32OS.ConvertToDateTime($W32OS.LastBootUpTime)
        [int]$uptime = "{0:00}" -f $timespan.TotalHours
    catch [exception] {
        $uptime = 'WMI Failure'


Else {
    $uptime = '0'
return $uptime  


This function checks the DIT file drive space.

Function Get-DITFileDriveSpace($DomainNameInput) {
Write-Verbose “…running function Get-DITFileDriveSpace”

If ((Test-Connection $DomainNameInput -Count 1 -quiet) -eq $True) {
    try {
        $key = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NTDS\Parameters"
        $valuename = "DSA Database file"
        $reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $DomainNameInput)
        $regkey = $reg.opensubkey($key)
        $NTDSPath = $regkey.getvalue($valuename)
        $NTDSPathDrive = $NTDSPath.ToString().Substring(0, 2)
        $NTDSPathFilter = '"' + 'DeviceID=' + "'" + $NTDSPathDrive + "'" + '"'
        $NTDSDiskDrive = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName $DomainNameInput -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ? { $_.DeviceID -eq $NTDSPathDrive }
        $NTDSPercentFree = [math]::Round($NTDSDiskDrive.FreeSpace / $NTDSDiskDrive.Size * 100)
    catch [exception] {
        $NTDSPercentFree = 'WMI Failure'

Else {
    $NTDSPercentFree = '0'
return $NTDSPercentFree 


This function checks the DNS, NTDS and Netlogon services.

Function Get-DomainControllerServices($DomainNameInput) {
Write-Verbose “…running function DomainControllerServices”
$thisDomainControllerServicesTestResult = New-Object PSObject
$thisDomainControllerServicesTestResult | Add-Member NoteProperty -name DNSService -Value $null
$thisDomainControllerServicesTestResult | Add-Member NoteProperty -name NTDSService -Value $null
$thisDomainControllerServicesTestResult | Add-Member NoteProperty -name NETLOGONService -Value $null

If ((Test-Connection $DomainNameInput -Count 1 -quiet) -eq $True) {
    If ((Get-Service -ComputerName $DomainNameInput -Name DNS -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Status -eq 'Running') {
        $thisDomainControllerServicesTestResult.DNSService = 'Success'
    Else {
        $thisDomainControllerServicesTestResult.DNSService = 'Fail'
    If ((Get-Service -ComputerName $DomainNameInput -Name NTDS -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Status -eq 'Running') {
        $thisDomainControllerServicesTestResult.NTDSService = 'Success'
    Else {
        $thisDomainControllerServicesTestResult.NTDSService = 'Fail'
    If ((Get-Service -ComputerName $DomainNameInput -Name netlogon -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Status -eq 'Running') {
        $thisDomainControllerServicesTestResult.NETLOGONService = 'Success'
    Else {
        $thisDomainControllerServicesTestResult.NETLOGONService = 'Fail'

Else {
    $thisDomainControllerServicesTestResult.DNSService = 'Fail'
    $thisDomainControllerServicesTestResult.NTDSService = 'Fail'
    $thisDomainControllerServicesTestResult.NETLOGONService = 'Fail'
return $thisDomainControllerServicesTestResult


This function runs the five DCDiag tests and saves them in a variable for later processing.

Function Get-DomainControllerDCDiagTestResults($DomainNameInput) {
Write-Verbose “…running function Get-DomainControllerDCDiagTestResults”

$DCDiagTestResults = New-Object Object
If ((Test-Connection $DomainNameInput -Count 1 -quiet) -eq $True) {

    $DCDiagTest = (Dcdiag.exe /s:$DomainNameInput /test:services /test:FSMOCheck /test:KnowsOfRoleHolders /test:Advertising /test:Replications) -split ('[\r\n]')

    $DCDiagTestResults | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "ServerName" -Value $DomainNameInput
    $DCDiagTest | % {
        Switch -RegEx ($_) {
            "Starting" { $TestName = ($_ -Replace ".*Starting test: ").Trim() }
            "passed test|failed test" {
                If ($_ -Match "passed test") {
                    $TestStatus = "Passed"
                    # $TestName
                    # $_
                Else {
                    $TestStatus = "Failed"
                    # $TestName
                    # $_
        If ($TestName -ne $Null -And $TestStatus -ne $Null) {
            $DCDiagTestResults | Add-Member -Name $("$TestName".Trim()) -Value $TestStatus -Type NoteProperty -force
            $TestName = $Null; $TestStatus = $Null
    return $DCDiagTestResults

Else {
    $DCDiagTestResults | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "ServerName" -Value $DomainNameInput
    $DCDiagTestResults | Add-Member -Name Replications -Value 'Failed' -Type NoteProperty -force 
    $DCDiagTestResults | Add-Member -Name Advertising -Value 'Failed' -Type NoteProperty -force 
    $DCDiagTestResults | Add-Member -Name KnowsOfRoleHolders -Value 'Failed' -Type NoteProperty -force
    $DCDiagTestResults | Add-Member -Name FSMOCheck -Value 'Failed' -Type NoteProperty -force
    $DCDiagTestResults | Add-Member -Name Services -Value 'Failed' -Type NoteProperty -force 
return $DCDiagTestResults


This function checks the server OS version.

Function Get-DomainControllerOSVersion ($DomainNameInput) {
Write-Verbose “…running function Get-DomainControllerOSVersion”
$W32OSVersion = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $DomainNameInput -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Caption
return $W32OSVersion

This function checks the free space on the OS drive

Function Get-DomainControllerOSDriveFreeSpace ($DomainNameInput) {
Write-Verbose “…running function Get-DomainControllerOSDriveFreeSpace”

If ((Test-Connection $DomainNameInput -Count 1 -quiet) -eq $True) {
    try {
        $thisOSDriveLetter = (Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $DomainNameInput -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).SystemDrive
        $thisOSPathFilter = '"' + 'DeviceID=' + "'" + $thisOSDriveLetter + "'" + '"'
        $thisOSDiskDrive = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName $DomainNameInput -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ? { $_.DeviceID -eq $thisOSDriveLetter }
        $thisOSPercentFree = [math]::Round($thisOSDiskDrive.FreeSpace / $thisOSDiskDrive.Size * 100)

    catch [exception] {
        $thisOSPercentFree = 'WMI Failure'
return $thisOSPercentFree


This function generates HTML code from the results of the above functions.

Function New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell() {
param( $lineitem )
$htmltablecell = $null

switch ($($reportline."$lineitem")) {
    $success { $htmltablecell = "<td class=""pass"">$($reportline."$lineitem")</td>" }
    "Success" { $htmltablecell = "<td class=""pass"">$($reportline."$lineitem")</td>" }
    "Passed" { $htmltablecell = "<td class=""pass"">$($reportline."$lineitem")</td>" }
    "Pass" { $htmltablecell = "<td class=""pass"">$($reportline."$lineitem")</td>" }
    "Warn" { $htmltablecell = "<td class=""warn"">$($reportline."$lineitem")</td>" }
    "Access Denied" { $htmltablecell = "<td class=""warn"">$($reportline."$lineitem")</td>" }
    "Fail" { $htmltablecell = "<td class=""fail"">$($reportline."$lineitem")</td>" }
    "Failed" { $htmltablecell = "<td class=""fail"">$($reportline."$lineitem")</td>" }
    "Could not test server uptime." { $htmltablecell = "<td class=""fail"">$($reportline."$lineitem")</td>" }
    "Could not test service health. " { $htmltablecell = "<td class=""warn"">$($reportline."$lineitem")</td>" }
    "Unknown" { $htmltablecell = "<td class=""warn"">$($reportline."$lineitem")</td>" }
    default { $htmltablecell = "<td>$($reportline."$lineitem")</td>" }
return $htmltablecell


if (!($DomainName)) {
Write-Host “…no domain specified, using all domains in forest” -ForegroundColor Yellow
$allDomains = Get-AllDomains
$reportFileName = ‘forest_health_report_’ + (Get-ADForest).name + ‘_’ + (Get-Date -Format “yyyyMMdd_HHmmss”) + ‘.html’

Else {
Write-Host “…domain name specified on cmdline”
$allDomains = $DomainName
$reportFileName = ‘dc_health_report_’ + $DomainName + ‘_’ + (Get-Date -Format “yyyyMMdd_HHmmss”) + ‘.html’

foreach ($domain in $allDomains) {
Write-Host “…testing domain” $domain -ForegroundColor Green
[array]$allDomainControllers = Get-AllDomainControllers $domain
$totalDCtoProcessCounter = $allDomainControllers.Count
$totalDCProcessCount = $allDomainControllers.Count

foreach ($domainController in $allDomainControllers) {
    $stopWatch = [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()
    Write-Host "..testing domain controller" "(${totalDCtoProcessCounter} of ${totalDCProcessCount})" $domainController.HostName -ForegroundColor Cyan 
    $DCDiagTestResults = Get-DomainControllerDCDiagTestResults $domainController.HostName
    $thisDomainController = New-Object PSObject
    $thisDomainController | Add-Member NoteProperty -name Server -Value $null
    $thisDomainController | Add-Member NoteProperty -name Site -Value $null
    $thisDomainController | Add-Member NoteProperty -name "OS Version" -Value $null
    $thisDomainController | Add-Member NoteProperty -name "Operation Master Roles" -Value $null
    $thisDomainController | Add-Member NoteProperty -name "DNS" -Value $null
    $thisDomainController | Add-Member NoteProperty -name "Ping" -Value $null
    $thisDomainController | Add-Member NoteProperty -name "Uptime (hrs)" -Value $null
    $thisDomainController | Add-Member NoteProperty -name "DIT Free Space (%)" -Value $null
    $thisDomainController | Add-Member NoteProperty -name "OS Free Space (%)" -Value $null
    $thisDomainController | Add-Member NoteProperty -name "DNS Service" -Value $null
    $thisDomainController | Add-Member NoteProperty -name "NTDS Service" -Value $null
    $thisDomainController | Add-Member NoteProperty -name "NetLogon Service" -Value $null
    $thisDomainController | Add-Member NoteProperty -name "DCDIAG: Advertising" -Value $null
    $thisDomainController | Add-Member NoteProperty -name "DCDIAG: Replications" -Value $null
    $thisDomainController | Add-Member NoteProperty -name "DCDIAG: FSMO KnowsOfRoleHolders" -Value $null
    $thisDomainController | Add-Member NoteProperty -name "DCDIAG: FSMO Check" -Value $null
    $thisDomainController | Add-Member NoteProperty -name "DCDIAG: Services" -Value $null
    $thisDomainController | Add-Member NoteProperty -name "Processing Time" -Value $null
    $OFS = "`r`n"
    $thisDomainController.Server = ($domainController.HostName).ToLower()
    $thisDomainController.Site = $domainController.Site
    $thisDomainController."OS Version" = (Get-DomainControllerOSVersion $domainController.hostname)
    $thisDomainController."Operation Master Roles" = $domainController.OperationMasterRoles
    $thisDomainController.DNS = Get-DomainControllerNSLookup $domainController.HostName
    $thisDomainController.Ping = Get-DomainControllerPingStatus $domainController.HostName
    $thisDomainController."Uptime (hrs)" = Get-DomainControllerUpTime $domainController.HostName
    $thisDomainController."DIT Free Space (%)" = Get-DITFileDriveSpace $domainController.HostName
    $thisDomainController."OS Free Space (%)" = Get-DomainControllerOSDriveFreeSpace $domainController.HostName
    $thisDomainController."DNS Service" = (Get-DomainControllerServices $domainController.HostName).DNSService
    $thisDomainController."NTDS Service" = (Get-DomainControllerServices $domainController.HostName).NTDSService
    $thisDomainController."NetLogon Service" = (Get-DomainControllerServices $domainController.HostName).NETLOGONService
    $thisDomainController."DCDIAG: Replications" = $DCDiagTestResults.Replications
    $thisDomainController."DCDIAG: Advertising" = $DCDiagTestResults.Advertising
    $thisDomainController."DCDIAG: FSMO KnowsOfRoleHolders" = $DCDiagTestResults.KnowsOfRoleHolders
    $thisDomainController."DCDIAG: FSMO Check" = $DCDiagTestResults.FSMOCheck
    $thisDomainController."DCDIAG: Services" = $DCDiagTestResults.Services
    $thisDomainController."Processing Time" = $stopWatch.Elapsed.Seconds
    [array]$allTestedDomainControllers += $thisDomainController
    $totalDCtoProcessCounter -- 


Common HTML head and styles

$htmlhead = “

BODY{font-family: Arial; font-size: 8pt;}
H1{font-size: 16px;}
H2{font-size: 14px;}
H3{font-size: 12px;}
TABLE{border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 8pt;}
TH{border: 1px solid black; background: #dddddd; padding: 5px; color: #000000;}
TD{border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; }
td.pass{background: #7FFF00;}
td.warn{background: #FFE600;}
td.fail{background: #FF0000; color: #ffffff;}
td.info{background: #85D4FF;}

<h1 align=”“left”“>Domain Controller Health Check Report
<h3 align=”“left”“>Generated: $reportime”

Domain Controller Health Report Table Header

$htmltableheader = “

Domain Controller Health Summary

Forest: $((Get-ADForest).Name)

Domain Controller Health Report Table

$serverhealthhtmltable = $serverhealthhtmltable + $htmltableheader

This section will process through the $allTestedDomainControllers array object and create and colour the HTML table based on certain conditions.

foreach ($reportline in $allTestedDomainControllers) {

if (Test-Path variable:fsmoRoleHTML) {
    Remove-Variable fsmoRoleHTML

if (($reportline."Operation Master Roles") -gt 0) {
    foreach ($line in $reportline."Operation Master Roles") {
        if ($line.count -gt 0) {
            [array]$fsmoRoleHTML += $line.ToString() + '<br>'

else {
    $fsmoRoleHTML += 'None<br>'

$htmltablerow = "<tr>"
$htmltablerow += "<td>$($reportline.server)</td>"
$htmltablerow += "<td>$($reportline.site)</td>"
$htmltablerow += "<td>$($reportline."OS Version")</td>"
$htmltablerow += "<td>$($fsmoRoleHTML)</td>"
$htmltablerow += (New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell "DNS" )                  
$htmltablerow += (New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell "Ping")

if ($($reportline."uptime (hrs)") -eq "WMI Failure") {
    $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">Could not test server uptime.</td>"        
elseif ($($reportline."Uptime (hrs)") -eq $string17) {
    $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">$string17</td>"
else {
    $hours = [int]$($reportline."Uptime (hrs)")
    if ($hours -le 24) {
        $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">$hours</td>"
    else {
        $htmltablerow += "<td class=""pass"">$hours</td>"

$space = $reportline."DIT Free Space (%)"
if ($space -eq "WMI Failure") {
    $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">Could not test server free space.</td>"        
elseif ($space -le 30) {
    $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">$space</td>"
else {
    $htmltablerow += "<td class=""pass"">$space</td>"

$osSpace = $reportline."OS Free Space (%)"
if ($osSpace -eq "WMI Failure") {
    $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">Could not test server free space.</td>"        
elseif ($osSpace -le 30) {
    $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">$osSpace</td>"
else {
    $htmltablerow += "<td class=""pass"">$osSpace</td>"

$htmltablerow += (New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell "DNS Service")
$htmltablerow += (New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell "NTDS Service")
$htmltablerow += (New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell "NetLogon Service")
$htmltablerow += (New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell "DCDIAG: Advertising")
$htmltablerow += (New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell "DCDIAG: Replications")
$htmltablerow += (New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell "DCDIAG: FSMO KnowsOfRoleHolders")
$htmltablerow += (New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell "DCDIAG: FSMO Check")
$htmltablerow += (New-ServerHealthHTMLTableCell "DCDIAG: Services")
$averageProcessingTime = ($allTestedDomainControllers | measure -Property "Processing Time" -Average).Average
if ($($reportline."Processing Time") -gt $averageProcessingTime) {
    $htmltablerow += "<td class=""warn"">$($reportline."Processing Time")</td>"        
elseif ($($reportline."Processing Time") -le $averageProcessingTime) {
    $htmltablerow += "<td class=""pass"">$($reportline."Processing Time")</td>"

[array]$serverhealthhtmltable = $serverhealthhtmltable + $htmltablerow


$serverhealthhtmltable = $serverhealthhtmltable + “

Server Site OS Version Operation Master Roles DNS Ping Uptime (hrs) DIT Free Space (%) OS Free Space (%) DNS Service NTDS Service NetLogon Service DCDIAG: Advertising DCDIAG: Replications DCDIAG: FSMO KnowsOfRoleHolders DCDIAG: FSMO Check DCDIAG: Services Processing Time

$htmlreport = $htmlhead + $serversummaryhtml + $dagsummaryhtml + $serverhealthhtmltable + $dagreportbody

if ($ReportFile) {
$htmlreport | Out-File $reportFileName -Encoding UTF8

if ($SendEmail) {
try {
# Send email message
Send-MailMessage @smtpsettings -Body $htmlreport -BodyAsHtml -Encoding ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8) -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host “Email sent successfully.” -ForegroundColor Green
catch {
Write-Host “Failed to send email. Error: $_” -ForegroundColor Red

Any help is appreciated!

That’s a lot of code without formatting.
Please edit your original post and use the “Preformatted Text” button to format all of that PS code to make it more readable. Sometimes this button is within the gear icon.
Until then, here is a link to the author’s web page describing this script:
Ali Tajran
Short story: this is 500 lines of Powershell code with 11 function definitions.
My approach would be to edit each function definition to add cmdletbinding, and then wrap every use of those functions in try/catch blocks and have the error messages collected in an array variable. Then at the end you can send an email IF there are errors, and include all of the errors.

How to send that message also varies greatly depending on your environment and resources.


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