Hash table export in csv/xml

I have a simple hash table with keys and values, like this:

Name Value
Key1 Value1
Key2 Value2
Key3 Value3

And I just need to export in file only keys and values. How can I do that?

Welcome to the forum. :wave:t3:

In the vast majority of the cases you’re not the very first one with a given task. So it is recommended and surprisingly often successful to search online if there is already a solution out there. Have you tried this?

Regardless of that sinse your output does not seem to be a proper hashtable … the output of hastable in PowerShell looks like this:

Name                           Value 
----                           ----- 
Key2                           Value2
Key1                           Value1
Key3                           Value3

… it is even unclear what exactly you are looking for. Would you expect something like this as result?

Key2   Key1   Key3
----   ----   ----
Value2 Value1 Value3
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I tried, but PS documentation is truly bad (in compare with another languages).
I just want to save information from hash table in file. And yes, it must be looks like:

Name                           Value 
----                           ----- 
Key2                           Value2
Key1                           Value1
Key3                           Value3

What kind of file? Lots of guides/docs out there.

$HashTable = @{
    Key1 = 'Value1'
    Key2 = 'Value2'
    Key3 = 'Value3'

$HashTable.GetEnumerator() |
Select-Object -Property Key, Value |
Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path .\test.csv

Quick example of how to get it into a CSV file with Key/Value headers. You can rename ‘column headers’ using calculated properties if you desire:

$HashTable.GetEnumerator() |
Select-Object -Property @{Name = 'Property'; Expression = { $_.Key } }, Value |
Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path .\test.csv

Have you tried any other source of information?

You could have mentioned that in your initial post.

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