Getting Processor Name and NumberOfCores in PowerShell 2.0

Yes, I know we should upgrade… Unfortunately, I’m auditing a number of client servers that are in production and can’t be taken down for the reboot to upgrade PowerShell. I’m trying to display just the name and number of cores for the Processor. I can see them both in the list when I run

Get-WmiObject Win32_processor

but when I run

(Get-WmiObject Win32_processor).Name


(Get-WmiObject Win32_processor).NumberofCores

I don’t get any results. This works in other versions… What am I doing wrong in 2.0

Get-WmiObject Win32_processor | Select-Object -Property Name,NumberofCores
... client servers that are in production and can't be taken down for the reboot to upgrade PowerShell ...
How do you install updates / patches??

We schedule times with the clients for this… This is for an internal audit that the client has nothing to do with. I just need to gather the information… I have hundreds of servers I need to get through right now and just trying to find a way to gather this info quickly. If they were all on the same network it would be easy and I could just use a test server that has a newer version of PS, but that’s not an option right now.

OK … did you try the code snippet I posted?

I did, and it worked, thank you!

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