getting password age in readable columns

by Peeps3240 at 2012-08-30 10:28:50

$filter = ‘(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=65536)(!userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))’

$root = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://DC=[i]Domain[/i];DC=COM")
$searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher $filter
$SearchRoot = $root.defaultNamingContext
$searcher.SearchRoot = "LDAP://CN=Users,$SearchRoot"
$searcher.SearchScope = ‘SubTree’
$searcher.SizeLimit = 0
$searcher.PageSize = 1000
$searcher.FindAll() | Foreach-Object {
$account = $.GetDirectoryEntry()
$pwdset = [datetime]::fromfiletime($
$age = (New-TimeSpan $pwdset).Days
$mail = $"mail")
$info = 1 | Select-Object Name, Email, Age, LastSet
$info.Name = $account.SamAccountName[0]
$info.Email = $mail
$info.Age = $age
$info.LastSet = $pwdset

so this code will give me output such as this

kreki {Irma.Krek@XXXX... 161 3/22/2012 8:04:5...
eslamlooym {} 3095 3/10/2004 9:52:1...
Haydt {} 2908 9/13/2004 11:50:...
winfax {} 4011 9/5/2001 2:01:28 PM
djcermak {} 4209 2/20/2001 10:42:...
morrisonr {} 4145 4/25/2001 9:21:0...
smithe {} 3317 8/1/2003 11:51:4...
worthingtond {} 4145 4/25/2001 9:09:1...
randolphw {} 4145 4/25/2001 9:12:3...
hinesk {} 4216 2/13/2001 9:51:1...

my problem is the email field is truncated and being new to shell scripting, as in just started yesterday, i have no idea how to widen the column for the output. i tried the wide-format but that didnt work as it only expanded the first two colunms.

any help will be greatly appreciated as i think i will be checking things out here a lot
by poshoholic at 2012-08-30 11:19:33
If you want tabular format and you want to make sure you see all information, you should read this blog post:

You should also look at the help for Format-List and Format-Table. Each of these allows you to identify the parameters you want to see. For Format-Table, make sure you read about the -AutoSize parameter. That is helpful in some cases, and I use it in the blog article I just referenced. Format-List is also useful when you want to see many or all parameters but not necessarily in a table. Out-GridView would be another great option for you so that you can look at the results in a grid where space is less of an issue. One of these should give you a good nudge in the right direction. After you’ve looked at a few of these, if you’re still not getting the output you want reply back with details about how you want it to appear and I may be able to help you get that output.
by Peeps3240 at 2012-08-30 11:53:21
Thanks for the heads up Kirk,

I guess my biggest issue is where the |Format-Table -Property* -Autosize’ goes.

i tried it like this:

c:\scripts\password.ps1 |Format-Table -Property* -Autosize’ |Out-String -Width 4096’ |Out-file C:\scripts\passwordexpireswide.txt

but that just hangs in powershell.

generally this isnt a big issue as there are only a small handful of people i have to email right now, but down the road it will be a much higher number
by poshoholic at 2012-08-30 12:04:08
You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

If you are going to use that command on one line, you need to remove the backticks (line continuance characters). Also make sure your spacing is correct (you need a space between -Property and * for Format-List). Like this:

[script=powershell]C:\scripts\password.ps1 | Format-Table -Property * -Autosize | Out-String -Width 4096 | Out-File C]
by Peeps3240 at 2012-08-31 08:43:27
many many thanks, that works perfectly