Just having an issue getting the password last set attribute in a list view.
That column is empty
## Find Locked Users ##
function Invoke-FLU{
$list1.visible = $false
$list2.visible = $true
$lbl2.visible = $false
$columnnames = "Name","Expires","Password last set"
$list2.Columns[0].text = "Name"
$list2.Columns[0].width = 140
$list2.Columns[1].text = "Expires"
$list2.Columns[1].width = 70
$list2.Columns[2].text = "Password last set"
$list2.Columns[2].width = 380
$lusers = Get-QADUser -searchroot "OU=x,dc=x,dc=x" -locked -IncludedProperties PasswordLastSet
$columnproperties = "displayName","AccountExpires","PasswordLastSet"
foreach($luser in $lusers){
$item = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem([string]$luser.displayName)
if ($luser.accountExpires -ne $null){
$item.SubItems.Add(($luser.accountExpires | Get-Date -format "dd/MM/yyyy"))
$item.forecolor = "Red"
$item.SubItems.Add(("No Expiry"))
$item.Tag = $luser
$list2.Items.Add($item) > $null
$yesno = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::MsgBox("Do you wish to unlock a domain account?",'YesNoCancel,Question', "Account Unlock")
if ($yesno -eq 6) {$btn15.Visible = $true}
elseif ($yesno -eq 7) {FormUnlock}
$stBar1.text = "Locked domain accounts on " + $userdomain + " (" + $lusers.count + ")"
if(test-path $lfile){(get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M") + "," + $user + "," + $userdomain + "," + "Locked accounts," | out-file -filepath $lfile -append}
} # End function Invoke-FLU
First off I’d suggest testing that you are actually getting data back. Your syntax look right but just to be sure test
Get-QADUser -searchroot “OU=x,dc=x,dc=x” -locked -IncludedProperties PasswordLastSet | ft displayname, accountexpires, PasswordLastSet
Assuming you get data back my other suggestion would be to cast the date in PasswordLastSet to a string and see if that shows in your list
Thats great, thanks for you help. Must have been looking at it too long!
This is one of those things that you remember because you’ve tripped over it before. No prizes for guessing how I found out about it…
Will do.
Now having issues with a 3rd column, description heading and data is all blank.
Also Get-QADUser -searchroot “OU=x,dc=x,dc=x” -locked -IncludedProperties PasswordLastSet | ft displayname, accountexpires, PasswordLastSet formats the date in UK dd/mm/yyyy, but below it comes out in US mm/dd/yyyy and if i try to format it, if the date is above 12 its blank.
Any ideas?
## Find Locked Users ##
function Invoke-FLU{
$list1.visible = $false
$list2.visible = $true
$lbl2.visible = $false
$columnnames = "Name","Expires","PW last set","Description"
$list2.Columns[0].text = "Name"
$list2.Columns[0].width = 140
$list2.Columns[1].text = "Expires"
$list2.Columns[1].width = 70
$list2.Columns[2].text = "Password last set"
$list2.Columns[2].width = 120
$list2.Columns[3].text = "Description"
$list2.Columns[3].width = 260
$lusers = Get-QADUser -searchroot "OU=x,dc=x,dc=x" -locked -IncludedProperties PasswordLastSet
$columnproperties = "displayName","AccountExpires","PasswordLastSet","description"
foreach($luser in $lusers){
$item = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem([string]$luser.displayName)
if ($luser.accountExpires -ne $null){
$item.SubItems.Add(($luser.accountExpires | Get-Date -format "dd/MM/yyyy"))
$item.forecolor = "Red"
$item.SubItems.Add(("No Expiry"))
if ([string]$luser.PasswordLastSet){# -ne $null){
#$item.SubItems.Add([string]$luser.PasswordLastSet)# | Get-Date -format "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"))
$item.SubItems.Add(([string]$luser.PasswordLastSet | Get-Date -format "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"))
$item.forecolor = "Red"
$item.SubItems.Add(("Password not set"))
$item.Tag = $luser
$list2.Items.Add($item) > $null
$yesno = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::MsgBox("Do you wish to unlock a domain account?",'YesNoCancel,Question', "Account Unlock")
if ($yesno -eq 6) {$btn15.Visible = $true}
elseif ($yesno -eq 7) {FormUnlock}
$stBar1.text = "Locked domain accounts on " + $userdomain + " (" + $lusers.count + ")"
if(test-path $lfile){(get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M") + "," + $user + "," + $userdomain + "," + "Locked accounts," | out-file -filepath $lfile -append}
} # End function Invoke-FLU
Managed to resolve the column issue. Still having issues with the date formatting on passwordlastset
All sorted. Ta
$item.SubItems.Add(($luser.PasswordLastSet | Get-Date -format “dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss”))