I run:
$server = Get-Content -path C:\ServerList.txt
$server | foreach { (Get-Service -Name WinRM* -computername $) | Where {$ .Status -eq “Stopped”}
Select-Object Status, Name, DisplayName |
ConvertTo-CSV | Out-File “C:\winrmstatus.csv”}
Not getting what I want in csv, it is blank.
Are you sure the service is stopped? If you query a specific service and it’s started, your where command isn’t going to return anything.
There is only one WinRM service, so the WinRM* is not really a thing to use.
Note, if it won’t print to the screen, it won’t go to a file.
Try it this way instead.
(Get-ADComputer -Filter *).Name | %{
Get-Service -Name WinRM -ComputerName $_ `
| Select MachineName,Status,Name,DisplayName `
| Where Status -eq 'Running'
} | Format-Table -AutoSize
MachineName Status Name DisplayName
----------- ------ ---- -----------
DC01 Running WinRM Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)
EX01 Running WinRM Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)
SQL01 Running WinRM Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)
That should be
(Get-ADComputer -Filter *).Name |
foreach {
Get-Service -Name WinRM -ComputerName $_ |
Select MachineName,Status,Name,DisplayName |
Where Status -eq 'Running'
} | Format-Table -AutoSize
Never use % as an alias in scripts
The pipe symbol is treated as a line continuation character so using ` is redundant AND very hard to see in many editors
Running your cmd Richard returns:
Get-Service : Cannot find any service with service name ‘WinRM’.
At line:3 char:6
Essentially trying to query a list of servers and need a csv returned with status of service whether it is stopped or started would be nice.
February 13, 2018, 10:34am
The code to get that is in your original post, the problem is you are asking for only where the service is stopped .
So taking your original code, and fixing it:
$server = Get-Content -path C:\ServerList.txt
$server | foreach { get-service -computername $_ -servicename winrm | select machinename, status, name, displayname } | export-csv C:\report.csv