get-vm repeats servers with wrong info, why??

I hope it’s okay to ask about vSphere PowerCLI here.
The VMware forums are terrible now, sigh.

I have this statement and it keeps repeating server names and adding wrong data to the server names.

Get-VM -Name "accumedic","citrix1","d7","dc1","dc2","dspnet","e10","fms1","fp1","mlsnet","sage15","sep1","sql","sql4","sql6","unitime","utility1","v8","w2","w3","wsus","x5","x6","x7","x8","vum60" | Select Name, @{ n="DiskUsedGB"; e={[math]::round( $_.UsedSpaceGB, 3 )}}, @{ n="TotalDiskUsedGB"; e={[math]::round( $_.ProvisionedSpaceGB, 3 )}}, @{ n="Date"; e={$CurrentDateTime}}| sort Name

For example:

Name : wsus
DiskUsedGB : 158.680
TotalDiskUsedGB : 202.166
Date : 10-04-2016_10-29-12
Name : wsus
DiskUsedGB : 158.680
TotalDiskUsedGB : 202.166
Date : 10-04-2016_10-29-12
Name : wsus
DiskUsedGB : 78.587
TotalDiskUsedGB : 132.176
Date : 10-04-2016_10-29-12

Why does this happen and how do I fix it??

Meanwhile I will try restarting the ISE and rebooting the server.
I can’t find anything on the internets about this.
The display goes to the screen for now, later into a csv file when it’s fixed.

Thank you, Tom

Nvm, I figured it out.
Script was running against all VMs in two different clusters and vCenter servers.
Had to make the script disconnect from one of the two vCenters to get the proper response.
Thank you, Tom