I hope it’s okay to ask about vSphere PowerCLI here.
The VMware forums are terrible now, sigh.
I have this statement and it keeps repeating server names and adding wrong data to the server names.
Get-VM -Name "accumedic","citrix1","d7","dc1","dc2","dspnet","e10","fms1","fp1","mlsnet","sage15","sep1","sql","sql4","sql6","unitime","utility1","v8","w2","w3","wsus","x5","x6","x7","x8","vum60" | Select Name, @{ n="DiskUsedGB"; e={[math]::round( $_.UsedSpaceGB, 3 )}}, @{ n="TotalDiskUsedGB"; e={[math]::round( $_.ProvisionedSpaceGB, 3 )}}, @{ n="Date"; e={$CurrentDateTime}}| sort Name
For example:
Name : wsus
DiskUsedGB : 158.680
TotalDiskUsedGB : 202.166
Date : 10-04-2016_10-29-12
Name : wsus
DiskUsedGB : 158.680
TotalDiskUsedGB : 202.166
Date : 10-04-2016_10-29-12
Name : wsus
DiskUsedGB : 78.587
TotalDiskUsedGB : 132.176
Date : 10-04-2016_10-29-12
Why does this happen and how do I fix it??
Meanwhile I will try restarting the ISE and rebooting the server.
I can’t find anything on the internets about this.
The display goes to the screen for now, later into a csv file when it’s fixed.
Thank you, Tom