Get SQL Agent Job stepID

Hi again guys!!!

Now this time I would like to get the SQL Agent Job stepID from powershell. I only have the StepName and I would like to get information from the Job History as follow:

write-host “Name: $($job.JobSteps[$stepID].Name) RunDate: $($job.JobSteps[$stepID].LastRunDate) Status: $($job.JobSteps[$stepID].LastRunOutCome)”

Can I get this information using the stepname?

It looks like $stepID contains the step ID, doesn’t it?

Well… I have to get it somehow!!
I have this working…
write-host “Name: $($job.JobSteps[1].Name) RunDate: $($job.JobSteps[1].LastRunDate) Status: $($job.JobSteps[1].LastRunOutCome)”

However, in my program, the user is entering the StepName only. I tried the following:
$stepID = $job.CurrentRunStep
write-host “StepID = $steID”

But it gives me the following:
StepID = 0 (unknown)

You’d have to query that from SQL Server. Sorry, I thought you had $stepID. I’m not sure how you’d query that - it’s really a SQL Server question, not PowerShell. Again, sorry.

I found it!!
$JobStep = $Job.JobSteps[$StepName]
Write-Host “Name: $($JobStep.Name) RunDate: $($JobStep.LastRunDate) Status: $($JobStep.LastRunOutCome)”