Export specific attributes from security log

Hi guys, so basically my overall goal is to query 5 servers and export a list of users who accessed the machine out : Targetusername, IP address/source computer/ time and out to spread sheet. it would be helpful to only get back the last time a user connected.

I have this following script that I have been hammering out for a while now (I am trying to learn powershell) you will see that from my script as I am building on it.

Write-Host “”"

     Using this tool can help you search Event Logs!
        you can search by Machine, Logs, Event ID



$file= ‘\gtnyfile1\shared\Old Data\export1.csv’
$server = ‘GTHQENGREMOTE1’
$logs = ‘security’
$eventid = ‘4624’


write-host “”
write-host “”
Write-Host 'checking ’ $logs ‘logs on ’ $server ’ for eventid’ $eventid

$event = Get-EventLog -LogName $logs -InstanceId $eventid -ComputerName $server | Select-Object TimeGenerated,`
.ReplacementStrings[8] -eq 10}},`
@{Name=‘Ip Address’;Expression={$.ReplacementStrings[18]}},`
@{Name=‘Source Computer’;Expression={$

foreach ($i in $event){
if(($i.ReplacementStrings[10] -eq ‘10’) -Or ($i.ReplacementStrings[7] -eq ‘7’)){
write-host ‘found a 10 or 7’




i don’t quite get what you want to achive with your foreach.

here un example of a simple query :

date = (Get-Date).AddHours(-3)
id = 4624
level = 0
logname = "security"
Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $query.pc -FilterHashTable @{LogName=$query.logname; Level=$query.level; id=$query.id; starttime = $query.date} -MaxEvents 1

a good way to deeply search event log is to use xml

$log = Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $query.pc -FilterHashTable @{LogName=$query.logname; Level=$query.level; id=$query.id; starttime = $query.date} -MaxEvents 1
[xml]$xmllog = $log.toXml()

to acces the data


you can find more information about handling event and xml event here

Hi Cyril, what i was trying to do was filter and return only logon types of 7 or 10 for interactive remote logins, now when i use get-winevent I get cannot RPC for a remote machine however when I use get-eventlog that works.

Okay so I tried the following code from you:

date = (Get-Date).AddHours(-3)
id = 4624
level = 0
logname = “security”

$log = Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $query.pc -FilterHashTable @{LogName=$query.logname; Level=$query.level; id=$query.id; starttime = $query.date} -MaxEvents 10
[xml]$xmllog = $log.toXml()

Here was the error I got:

Cannot convert value “System.Object” to type “System.Xml.XmlDocument”. Error: “This document already has a ‘DocumentElement’ node.”
At C:\Users\amoustafada\Desktop\SecELexport.ps1:10 char:1

  • [xml]$xmllog = $log.toXml()
  •   + CategoryInfo          : MetadataError: (:) [], ArgumentTransformationMetadataException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : RuntimeException

the xml error must be because your query return no object, try to increase the time

date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-3)

it only works when I have -maxevents set to 1 if I increase it, it returns that error no matter how many -hours I include tried -40! is that neccesarry? I don’t want to limit the date.
I only want to return the time when the event was generated. Also what does Level do?

by the way Thank you very much for taking your time to help me! I owe you a lunch if you are or every in NYC!

Here is what I am using now and still same error:

id = 4624
level = 0
logname = “security”

$log = Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $query.pc -FilterHashTable @{LogName=$query.logname; Level=$query.level; id=$query.id} -MaxEvents 10
[xml]$xmllog = $log.toXml()

ok the probleme lies with the fact that by defining -maxevent 10 you have to treat this as an array

date = (Get-Date).AddHours(-10)
id = 4624
level = 0
logname = "security"
$log = (Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $pc -FilterHashTable @{LogName=$query.logname; Level=$query.level; id=$query.id; starttime = $query.date} -MaxEvents 10)

[xml[]]$xmllog = $log.toXml()


and thanks for the offer but i think it will be a bit difficult, i ll have to take a flight form Paris ;o

Haha Maybe Ill order food and ship to you from your local restaurant! we will make it work! “if there is a will, there is a way” haha

So - this worked but leads me to a few other questions:

1- when I try to output : $xmllog.event.eventdata.data ( it lists ALL the events one after another). I want it to return only logon types 7/10 and be able to export this data into a spreadsheet : timegenerated, userwhologedin, machinetheyused

  • if you can provide me good sources to learn how to do this stuff to be a master like you :slight_smile: would greatly appreciate it!

i m absolutly no master, just a padawan learner.

a good trick is “show-object” when you want to find details it works with API,Xml,…

$xmllog[0].event.eventdata.data give you the first event
$xmllog[0].event.eventdata.data[0] give you the first property of the first event
$xmllog[0].event.eventdata.data[0].‘#text’ will give you the VALUE of the first property of the first event

so if you want to test the logon type you retrieve it with

then just do a loop on $xmllog[$i] with the test inside and wahtever you want to do

Here is my take on it! which didn’t work because it kept saying ‘found a 7 or 10 for all 10’ which i know is false:

date = (Get-Date).AddHours(-40)
id = 4624
level = 0
logname = “security”
$log = (Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $pc -FilterHashTable @{LogName=$query.logname; Level=$query.level; id=$query.id; starttime = $query.date} -MaxEvents 10)

[xml]$xmllog = $log.toXml()

foreach ($i in $xmllog) {
$a = $xmllog[0].event.eventdata.data[8].‘#text
if(($a = ‘7’) -or ($a = ‘10’)){
write-host ‘found a 7 or 10’

}else{write-host 'couldnt find a 7 or 10'}


test this

foreach ($i in $xmllog) {
[int32]$a = $i.event.eventdata.data[8].'#text'
if(($a -eq '7') -or ($a -eq '10')){
write-host 'found a 7 or 10'

}else{write-host 'couldnt find a 7 or 10'}

okay so this work now I am trying to make it write to a file and append the data, I wrote the desired data that I want to pull out however I think the time will give me an issue because I need to format it.

date = (Get-Date).AddHours(-40)
id = 4624
level = 0
logname = “security”
$log = (Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $pc -FilterHashTable @{LogName=$query.logname; Level=$query.level; id=$query.id; starttime = $query.date})

[xml]$xmllog = $log.toXml()

foreach ($i in $xmllog) {
[int32]$a = $i.event.eventdata.data[8].‘#text
if(($a -eq ‘7’) -or ($a -eq ‘10’)){


I am looking into a different issue not relating to the script, I think because when I actually run the script on the server that I need to run on gives me an error, but it works on the machine I am creating it on. I cannot type a remote PC name because RPC is disabled and get-winevent doesn’t work get-eventlog does though.

Q1. Do you have the same WMF on the server and your test machine ?

Q2. Try this for remote (replace $pc = servername and Administrator by our account) and execute the script on your local shell

date = (Get-Date).AddHours(-10)
id = 4624
level = 0
logname = "security"
#$pc = $env:COMPUTERNAME
$pc ="ServerName"

$cred = Get-Credential administrator

$log = (Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $pc -Credential $cred -FilterHashTable @{LogName=$query.logname; Level=$query.level; id=$query.id; starttime = $query.date} -MaxEvents 10)

[xml[]]$xmllog = $log.toXml()

foreach ($i in $xmllog) {
    [int32]$a = $i.event.eventdata.data[8].'#text'
    if(($a -eq '7') -or ($a -eq '10')){
        write-host 'found a 7 or 10'

    }else{write-host 'couldnt find a 7 or 10'}

well one the server i am running script on its version 4.0 and the server I need to run it on is 2.0 could that be a factor?

I tried the code you provided with the changes I needed to make and same issue.

I also modified my prior comment about the script code, sorry for the confusion sir!

well, sad news for you, .toXml won’t work on your target server due to the PSversion.

so, you have two choice :

  1. update the WMF on the target server
  2. use get-event and forget the xml part

Why forget the xml part with get-event because the main info you are looking for is in message property which is a bulk string and to my knowlege convertto-xml won’t be able to split the info.

so what to do : use the get-event and then use a -match test on .message property of your get-event.

it will be a dirty output but at least you will still get your info. the great thing with powershell is to be able to handle object, when it comes to strings prepare to suffure a bit .

   $v=@(get-eventlog -LogName security -instanceID 4624 -newest 10)
   foreach ($eventlog in $v){
        if ($eventlog.message -match "Type d'ouverture de session :		7"){
            write-host "remote"
                Write-Host " not remote"

yeah, which probably will not work for me I think, because I just tried to run what you just gave me and it returned nothing…which is weird.

so I think I will be updating all to v4 anyway as they need and should be updated.

so going back to the original script.

I am trying to make it write to a file and append the data, I wrote the desired data that I want to pull out however I think the time will give me an issue because I need to format it.

date = (Get-Date).AddHours(-40)
id = 4624
level = 0
logname = “security”
$log = (Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $pc -FilterHashTable @{LogName=$query.logname; Level=$query.level; id=$query.id; starttime = $query.date})

[xml]$xmllog = $log.toXml()

foreach ($i in $xmllog) {
[int32]$a = $i.event.eventdata.data[8].‘#text
if(($a -eq ‘7’) -or ($a -eq ‘10’)){


what do you think?

for get-eventlog

you need to change the string “Type d’ouverture de session : 7” as its in french

if(($a -eq '7') -or ($a -eq '10')){
$array += New-object  PSObject -Property([ordered]@{"comp" = $i.Event.System.Computer;


$array | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ";" -Path ./test.csv

I got the following Error:

Method invocation failed because [System.Management.Automation.PSObject] does not contain a method named ‘op_Addition’.
At C:\Users\amoustafada\Desktop\SecELexport.ps1:15 char:9

  •     $array += New-object  PSObject -Property([ordered]@{"comp" = $i.Event.Sy ...
  •   + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (op_Addition:String) [], RuntimeException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : MethodNotFound

:: this is my code::

date = (Get-Date).AddHours(-40)
id = 4624
level = 0
logname = “security”
$log = (Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $pc -FilterHashTable @{LogName=$query.logname; Level=$query.level; id=$query.id; starttime = $query.date} -MaxEvents 5000 )

[xml]$xmllog = $log.toXml()

foreach ($i in $xmllog) {
[int32]$a = $i.event.eventdata.data[8].‘#text
if(($a -eq ‘7’) -or ($a -eq ‘10’)){
$array += New-object PSObject -Property([ordered]@{“comp” = $i.Event.System.Computer;

$array | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ";" -Path ./test.csv


Hmm okay so I removed the + sign, and that made the script run without errors…but :frowning:

it outputted one line only so I added the -append to the export-csv

which worked however ALL is in one column -_-!
not sure why…

Soooo I tried a lot of things lol…been at this for a while now here is my final code and I think its working when I took out the delimiter it seperated the file so my final code is this below…now two more last tasks that I need to work on, is the time!! it shows up in excel like this “System.Xml.XmlElement” and I need it to show the correct time. the other thing is I only want it to show the user one time, so it grabs only the first event for the user and if it repeats to ignore it and keep going.

here is my code:

date = (Get-Date).AddHours(-40)
id = 4624
level = 0
logname = “security”
$log = (Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $pc -FilterHashTable @{LogName=$query.logname; Level=$query.level; id=$query.id; starttime = $query.date} -MaxEvents 5000 )

[xml]$xmllog = $log.toXml()

foreach ($i in $xmllog) {
[int32]$a = $i.event.eventdata.data[8].‘#text
if(($a -eq ‘7’) -or ($a -eq ‘10’)){
$array = New-object PSObject -Property([ordered]@{`
“Target Computer” = $i.Event.System.Computer
“User Logged In”=$i.Event.EventData.Data[5].‘#text
“Logon Type”=$i.Event.EventData.Data[8].‘#text
“Ip Address”=$i.Event.EventData.Data[18].‘#text


$array |Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation C:\test.csv -Append


Thank you very much! if you have a paypal email please send me :slight_smile: