Get-ADuser find two users when displayName is known

I’m trying to get properties for 2 known users using displayName but getting no results that should be there

Get-ADUser -Filter {(displayName -Like "Admin_ML") -And (displayName -Like "AdminMR")} -Credential $creds -Properties *

What am I missing with my Get-ADUser syntax?


Have you tried using -OR?

Yes that had worked earlier but only returns the first User

May be you should use (displayName -Like “Admin_ML*”) -And (displayName -Like “AdminMR*”)
node the * in filter.
May be your Displaynames differ from your vision ? spaces after text or so on…

Agree with max add the wildcards

-And will not work here. You’re saying the displayname of single account must match both conditions.

Note in a large environment this query is not ideal. Displayname is in the anr set.

‘Admin_ML’,‘Adminmr’ | % {get-aduser -filter ‘anr -eq $_’}

Hmm, I’m copy/paste -And. of course there should be -or instead

Dan, on my measurements
Get-ADUser -Filter {(anr -Like “Admin_ML*”) -or (anr -Like “Adminmr*”)
two times faster than
‘Admin_ML*’,‘Adminmr*’ | % {get-aduser -filter ‘anr -like $_’}

may be because of two requests in your variant :slight_smile:

anr -eq and don’t use wildcard. Always try to avoid the like operator as the query has to check the condition against all users.

ex. My displayname contains characters before and after potter, dan
get-aduser -Filter “anr -eq ‘potter, dan’” -Properties displayname

ANR are indexed attributes so the query is much faster than any other.

Thanks Dan and everyone, I wasn’t at all familiar with ambiguous name resolution until this conversation and it did the trick for me (without the wild cards). I found my two users.

thanks, Dan, I personally doesn’t know that I can use -eq with anr and it works even with partial names :slight_smile:
on my test domain with 10000+ users first request 5 times faster than -like

next requests with the same euery seems cashed and request times almost equal