Gathering information about all domain joined Latptops

Hello guys,

I recently joined a company and im working in the IT department, i was given a task to list how many employees are using the company provided Laptop, i ran a PS command to list all the computers that are connected to the azure domain, but unfortunately that wasn’t helpful, the return of the command Get-AzureADDeviceRegisteredUser was the IT admin who set-up the Laptops, so he is the registered Owner as well as the registered user, is there a walk around this issue ? i tried the azure portal but it was showing the same statics.

I hope that i explained my point

If it’s just for one computer, it might be easier to just search that computers logs for logon/logoff events. Get-WinEvent would be useful if you go down that road. What specific information is needed for this task? Is there a reason why your trying to get this information from Azure?

[quote quote=160847]If it’s just for one computer, it might be easier to just search that computers logs for logon/logoff events. Get-WinEvent would be useful if you go down that road. What specific information is needed for this task? Is there a reason why your trying to get this information from Azure?

Thanks i will try the log events, no its not just one computers there are +200 unit and the guys before me never made the employee sign a receiving paper, all of this came after a one employee asked for a laptop and the IT guy was so sure that he got one before, so now we want to make a list of the company hardware and who is using that unit, specially that most of the employees are off on sites, so gathering these kind of information seems impossible on site and must be done remotely .

Does the get event command works on AzureAD environment ? because i dont have physical access to all the laptops . if yes how the final command will be if im targeting one object “one Laptop” and how will it look if im targeting the all laptops that is connected to the company domain .

If they are connected via vpn why not use a logon script to gather the info and store it on a network share ?

[quote quote=160950]If they are connected via vpn why not use a logon script to gather the info and store it on a network share ?


unfortunately they are not, what i tried to is running some commands on powershell, Get-AzureADDevice then all the devices that are connected to the Azure domain shows up, then i run the command Get-AzureADDeviceRegisteredUser but that return with the IT admin user who setup the Laptops for the employees, i tried the Event login “Get-EventLog” but i couldn’t manage to make it work . my powershell knowledge is very basic .

I believe this link will help you to find the way:

domain joined feature introduce the window 7 and it’s means to handle work remotely.