You probably could use the HTML DOM model to pull the data from the site. In IE, if you hit F12 it will open a DOM explorer and determine what HTML object (DIV, SPAN, TABLE, TEXTBOX, etc) contains your data, you can do something like this:
In this blog, they are pulling information out of a table. If the raw data is place in a DIV, like so (standard tags replace so HTML would not render);
{title}Awesome Website{/title}
{div id=“div_Hdr”}Server Data{/div}
{div id=“div_ServerData”}
You could do something like:
$content = $data.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName("div"))[1].InnerHTML
The .getElementsByTagName will find all DIV’s in the website (it could be a LOT), but in this example there are 2, so 0 represents div_Hdr and 1 represents div_ServerData (object array). You want the actual RAW content, so you want to get what is contained in the DIV, so it would be .InnerHTML. If you explore the DOM and see that the container does have an ID, it’s cleaner to just get the object by ID (or Name):
$content = $data.ParsedHtml.getElementById("div_ServerData").innerHTML)
As Don eluded, the question is really what format the data is in to be able to parse it and make it viable Powershell object. If it’s a div with {br /} line breaks, then you can split the content on that and commas and create a custom PSObject from that. If it’s a table, which is ideal, just do a search on ‘parsing table dom powershell’ and take it from there. The built-in DOM explorer in IE (feature is available in most browsers) you should be able to narrow down pretty quickly what container object and if there is any easy way to identify (e.g. ID or Name) of the object to start your parsing. Good luck!! If you figure it out, post some code for others to use.
Edit: Any forum guys, is there a proper way to show something as literal like HTML without rendering it? I tried the pre, blockqoute, nothing and all of them rendered the html. Thanks.