by yooakim at 2012-08-15 01:20:27
I am Learning PowerShell and love it more by every day. It’s simple and elegant! And I love the object pipeline, it makes stitching things togehter childs play (almost!)by DougFinke at 2012-08-15 12:14:02
I have a question about using the Invoke-Rest method. I use it against a RSS feed. This particular RSS feed wraps the contents of title, description and other elements in<title><![CDATA[Här är texten med lite specialare]]</title>
When I use this codeInvoke-RestMethod $url
Everything works but the result does not give me the content of the CDATA elements. I know I can use .innerText on these elements but am wondering if there is Another, easier, way to do this?
Any suggestions of how to obtain content of CDATA elements?
Hi Joakim and thanks for the yooakim at 2012-08-15 22:24:58
You should be able to get the content of the CDATA section this way.(Invoke-RestMethod $url).Title.InnerText
Here’s the challenge, if the Title does not contain a CDATA section, this will print nothing.
So, you’ll need to foreach over the results and check and either print the Title or Title.InnerText.
Post the RSS feed url and we can take a look.
Thanks, this is the URL I’m reading from:by DougFinke at 2012-08-16 04:31:26
I’m not sure why the keep encoding everything in CDATA since it is UTF-8 but they do…
Yes, many sites do things differently with their feeds. The good news is, PowerShell is flexible enough so you don’t hit too many walls. Below are a couple ways you could process that feed. From a quick look, it seems they are all wrapped in CDATA yooakim at 2012-08-16 04:59:32Invoke-RestMethod |
Select Pubdate, Author, @{Name=‘Title’; Expression={$.Title.InnerText}}Invoke-RestMethod | ForEach {
[PSCustomObject] @{
Pubdate = $.pubdate
Title = $.Title.InnerText
Author = $.Author
With PowerShell v3.0 it’s so elegant! Thanks