Find and Replace Strings in Multiple Files

Hello and my apologies up front if this has been addressed under a different post. Honestly, I’ve read so much over the past few days my head hurts,

My Goal: Search all files in a given path (including sub-directories) and replace strings with new strings.

For example: Search all files in c:\temp* and d:\temp* for “servername1” and “servername2” and replace those strings with “newservername1” and “newservername2”.

I haven’t convinced myself I want this all in one script as there may be files like Web.configOLD that I would not want to update. That said once I find out what file(s) contain these strings I can then make a decision how to proceed and will eventually want this all in one script.

I can successfully gather the path and file name into a file using the following:

$Date = Get-Date -Format MM_dd_yyyy
$exclude = @(“log”, “bak”)
$SearchString = ‘Server1’, ‘Server2’, ‘Server3’
$FileName = “$Date ServerNamesSearchResults”
Get-ChildItem -Path “D:\temp”, “c:\temp” -Recurse -exclude $exclude | Select-String $SearchString | Select-Object -Unique Path | FT -hide | Out-File “D:\PSScripts\Results$FileName.txt”

This results in a text file that contains something like this:

D:\temp\New Text Document.txt
C:\temp\New Text Document (2).txt
C:\temp\New Text Document.txt

Now the hard part.

I now want to replace the strings “servername1” and “servername2” in each of these files with “newservername1” and “newservername2”

Please help. I’m sure there is even a better way to do this but I haven’t figured it out.

Are you trying to rename files in directories? Or you want to replace string inside files?

Get-ChildItem -Path "D:\temp", "c:\temp" -Recurse -exclude $exclude | Select-String $SearchString -List | Select-Object -Expand Path | Out-File "D:\PSScripts\Results\$FileName.txt"

you can use regex replace

string input,
string pattern,
System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchEvaluator evaluator

Input will be the a “raw” string from Get-content, pattern - the string you want to match and evaluator is a scriptblock like so { “newservername1”}
you would want to use a loop to run through each file path listed in $filename.txt and replace using the above constructor.

Replace multiple strings inside multiple files.

@Kiran Sorry but you lost me.

What about this:

Get-Children D:\temp *.txt -recurse | ForEach
(Get-Content $_ | ForEach {$_ -replace “old”, “new”}) | Set-Content $_

The method proposed by Ondrej is probably easier to understand, so if it works for you go with that. But i would like to add though that you can use “-replace” more than once like so. This should take care of multiple instances of “old” strings and it is case-insensitive.

ForEach {$_ -replace "old", "new" -replace "old1","new1"}

also note the above code will make changes to the original file so if you want to send the changes to a new file you can do:

Set-Content (join-path (C:\temp) -childpath ("new" + (split-path $_ -leaf) ))

Just another option, I’m using the Get-Content | Set-Content way to update multiple .xml files in one of my functions.

$InputFiles = Get-Item "pathtofiles\*.xml"
$OldString  = 'StringToReplace'
$NewString  = 'UpdatedString'
$InputFiles | ForEach {
    (Get-Content -Path $_.FullName).Replace($OldString,$NewString) | Set-Content -Path $_.FullName

Try This

$exclude = @("*log*", "*bak*")
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path "D:\temp", "c:\temp" -Recurse -exclude $exclude 

foreach ($file in $files){

$find = "Server1"
$replace = "NewServername1"
$content = Get-Content $($file.FullName) -Raw
#write replaced content back to the file
$content -replace $find,$replace | Out-File $($file.FullName) 

H Man,

Is it possible to use the script in order to change dates in a word document? For example:

100 Documents in …/bodies/ folder

$FindMonth = “January” + “February” + “March” + “April” + “May” + “June” + “July” + “August” + “September” + “October” + “November” + “December”
$FindDay = “1” + “2” + “3” > etc
$ReplaceWith = “{ TIME @ MMMM D,YYYY}”

Could something like that be coded? Also, in some of these documents there are numbers the office uses to designate certain codes.

Please advise.

Thank you,

$content = Get-Content $($file.FullName) -Raw