File Copy to Multiple locations Using a CSV File

I am currently scanning a directory and matching file names and then copying them to various file share locations (each file will have multiple desitnations). I am hard coding the locations and would like to instead store these locations in a csv file. The csv file should have 2 fields. , the destination column = path for the copy; and the string column = to identify the file file to be copied

heres what I am doing now

#Find and Move
$entries = Get-ChildItem $filepath 
foreach ($entry in $entries) {

$Gen2 =    'C:\Lab\Gen2'
$Billing = 'C:\Lab\Billing'
$PdgMtnService  = 'C:\Lab\PdgMtnService'

if ($entry.FullName -like '*MOTION TO COMPEL*'){  copy-item -Path $entry.FullName -Destination $Billing  -Force     }
if ($entry.FullName -like '*MOTION TO COMPEL*'){  copy-item -Path $entry.FullName -Destination $Gen2 -Force    }
if ($entry.FullName -like '*MOTION TO COMPEL*'){  copy-item -Path $entry.FullName -Destination $PdgMtnService -Force } 

thank you in advance

Maybe something like this:

$csv = Import-Csv -Path "T:\46\files.csv"
$filepath = "T:\46\src"
$entries = Get-ChildItem $filepath
ForEach ($entry in $entries) {
    $destinations = $csv | 
    Where-Object {$_.file -eq $entry.FullName} | 
    Select-Object -ExpandProperty destination
    ForEach ($destination in $destinations) {
        Copy-Item $entry.FullName $destination

And a csv like:

“t:\46\src\New Text Document.txt”,"t:\46\dest\a"
“t:\46\src\New Text Document.txt”,"t:\46\dest\b"
“t:\46\src\New Text Document (2).txt”,"t:\46\dest\c"
“t:\46\src\New Text Document (2).txt”,"t:\46\dest\d"

Thank you for the response!

The copy part is perfect! But i need the csv 2 have only 2 columns “Strng2Fing” and “destination”

I need to incorporate the “Strng2Fing”

 if ($entry.FullName -like ‘MOTION TO COMPEL’){  copy-item -Path $entry.FullName -Destination $Billing  -Force     } 

And a csv like:

“Strng2Fing” ,“destination”

“MOTION TO COMPEL” , "t:\46\dest\a"
“MOTION TO COMPEL” , "t:\46\dest\b"
“MOTION TO COMPEL” , “t:\46\dest\ac”

find 1 file copy to 3 different locations

I Solved it

$csv = Import-Csv -Path "C:\Users\jcool\Documents\Test.csv"
$filepath = 'c:\test'
Get-ChildItem $filepath | foreach {
 $criteria = $csv
 $find = $csv | select -ExpandProperty find
    #Write-Host $_.fullname
    $a = $_.fullname
ForEach ($f in $find) {
    If ($a -like "*$f*") {

ForEach ($c in $criteria) {

Copy-Item $_.fullname $c.Destination


And a csv like

“Find”, “Destination”
“Don Jones” , “c:\test\a”
“Don Jones” , “c:\test\b”