Exporting AD group members

Hello I am getting this error when exporting AD group members

Error Get-ADGroupMember : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name ‘GroupObjectId’.
$Groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter {name -like “XYZ*”} -SearchBase “OU=Groups,OU=Name1, OU=Name2”
foreach ($group in $groups){
$members = Get-ADGroupMember -GroupObjectId $group.ObjectId -All
foreach ($member in $members)
{$member | Add-Member -NotePropertyName “Group” -NotePropertyValue ($group.DisplayName)
$member | select Group, EmailAddress, DisplayName | Export-Csv ADtest1.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append }

Thanks for helping



Titan, welcome to Powershell.org. Please take a moment and read the very first post on top of the list of this forum: Read Me Before Posting! You’ll be Glad You Did!.

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Thanks in advance.

Normally, you find AD objects, you use -Identity to find the object. There is no -GroupObjectId parameter. Additionally, made some changes to clean the code up a bit, but did not test it:

$Groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter {name -like “XYZ*”} -SearchBase “OU=Groups,OU=Name1, OU=Name2”

$results = foreach ($group in $groups){
    $members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $group -All
    foreach ($member in $members) {
        $member | select @{Name='Group';Expression={$group.DisplayName}}, EmailAddress, DisplayName

$results | Export-Csv ADtest1.csv -NoTypeInformation 

How about this, which worked for me…but I couldn’t find a switch “-All” but used “-Recursive”

$AdGroup = 'xyz*'
Get-ADGroup -Filter {name -like $AdGroup} -SearchBase 'OU=Groups,OU=Name1,DC=Myself,DC=corp' | %{
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $_.name -Recursive | %{
Get-ADUser -Identity $_.SamAccountName -Properties * | Select Name, SamAccountName, EmailAddress | %{
[PSCustomObject] @{
Group = $Group
Name = $_.name
UserID = $_.SamAccountName
Email = $_.EmailAddress
} | Export-Csv D:\temp\ADtest1.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append

Thanks I’ve formatted as recommended.

Also when I run your script there is a new error

Get-ADGroupMember : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name ‘All’.

Here’s an example using multiple filters and splatting, I find it easier to read and follow along.

$params = @{
    Filter     = "name -like '*Payroll*' -or name -like '*HR*'"
    SearchBase = “OU=Groups,OU=Name1, OU=Name2”

$props = @(

foreach($Group in (Get-ADGroup @params))
    Get-adgroupmember $Group |
        Where-Object objectclass -eq 'user' |
            get-aduser -Properties emailaddress | 
                select $props | Export-Csv C:\temp\ADtest1.csv -NoTypeInformation

CSV will have 3 colums: Group, SamAccountName, and EmailAddress

Thanks this one worked

$params = @{
    Filter     = "name -like '*Payroll*' -or name -like '*HR*'"
    SearchBase = “OU=Groups,OU=Name1, OU=Name2”

$props = @(

foreach($Group in (Get-ADGroup @params))
    Get-adgroupmember $Group |
        Where-Object objectclass -eq 'user' |
            get-aduser -Properties emailaddress | 
                select $props | Export-Csv C:\temp\ADtest1.csv -NoTypeInformation

It is taking a long time to run thanks for your help