Export results in String to HTML page

I am a newbie ar script writing

Found and edit the script below but need to export the results to a webpage

$Servers = @(


#Initialize $Sessions which will contain all sessions
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Sessions = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList($null)

#Go through each server
Foreach ($Server in $Servers) {
#Get the current sessions on $Server and also format the output
$DirtyOuput = (quser /server:$Server) -replace ‘\s{2,}’, ‘,’ | ConvertFrom-Csv

#Go through each session in $DirtyOuput
Foreach ($session in $DirtyOuput) {
#Initialize a temporary hash where we will store the data
$tmpHash = @{}

#Check if SESSIONNAME isn't like "console" and isn't like "rdp-tcp*"
If (($session.sessionname -notlike "console") -AND ($session.sessionname -notlike "rdp-tcp*")) {
	#If the script is in here, the values are shifted and we need to match them correctly
	$tmpHash = @{
	Username = $session.USERNAME
	SessionName = "" #Session name is empty in this case
	ID = $session.SESSIONNAME
	State = $session.ID
	IdleTime = $session.STATE
	LogonTime = $session."IDLE TIME"
	ServerName = $Server
	}Else  {
	#If the script is in here, it means that the values are correct
	$tmpHash = @{
	Username = $session.USERNAME
	SessionName = $session.SESSIONNAME
	ID = $session.ID
	State = $session.STATE
	IdleTime = $session."IDLE TIME"
	LogonTime = $session."LOGON TIME"
	ServerName = $Server
	#Add the hash to $Sessions
	$Sessions.Add((New-Object PSObject -Property $tmpHash)) | Out-Null


#Display the sessions, sort by name, and just show Username, ID and Server
$sessions | Sort Username | select Username, ID, ServerName | FT


Welcome to the forum. :wave:t4:

I assume you meant to get the output exported to an HTML file, right? :wink: You should read the help for

and for

You should read it completely including the examples to learn how to use it.