Export certification in DER Format - i have only the "intended Purposes" name

is it possible to export a certificate in DER Format - if i have only the “intended Purposes” name
… in my case - the “intended Purposes” name is 100% unique - it is “xxx_All_OS”

ThanX for help and nice greetings

PS: my working import looks like this:

     MyText.Add( '$certPath = "' + cert_pem + '"' );
      MyText.Add( '$cert = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2($certPath)' );
      MyText.Add( '$cert.Import($certPath)' );
      MyText.Add( '$certStore = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store -ArgumentList "Root", "LocalMachine"' );
      MyText.Add( 'ArgumentList "Root", "LocalMachine"' );
      MyText.Add( '$certStore.Open("ReadWrite")' );
      MyText.Add( '$certStore.Add($cert)' );
      MyText.Add( '$certStore.Close()' );

my working openssl Config file looks like this:

      MyText.Add( '[req]' );
      MyText.Add( 'default_bits        = 2048  ' );
      MyText.Add( 'default_md          = sha256 ' );
      MyText.Add( 'default_days        = 825 ' );
      MyText.Add( 'encrypt_key         = no    ' );
      MyText.Add( 'distinguished_name  = subject ' );
      MyText.Add( 'req_extensions      = req_ext ' );
      MyText.Add( 'x509_extensions     = x509_ext ' );
      MyText.Add( 'string_mask         = utf8only  ' );
      MyText.Add( 'prompt              = no  ' );
      MyText.Add( ' ' );
      MyText.Add( '[subject] ' );
      MyText.Add( 'countryName                 = AT ' );
      MyText.Add( 'stateOrProvinceName         = Salzburg ' );
      MyText.Add( 'localityName                = xxx' );
      MyText.Add( 'organizationName            = xxx_All_OS' );
      MyText.Add( 'OU                          = xxx_All_OS' );
      MyText.Add( 'commonName                  = xxx_All_OS ' );
      MyText.Add( 'emailAddress                = xxx_All_OS ' );
      MyText.Add( '  ' );
      MyText.Add( '[x509_ext]' );
      MyText.Add( 'subjectKeyIdentifier      = hash ' );
      MyText.Add( 'authorityKeyIdentifier    = keyid:always,issuer' );
      MyText.Add( 'basicConstraints          = critical, CA:TRUE' );
      MyText.Add( 'keyUsage                  = critical, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment, cRLSign, keyCertSign' );
      MyText.Add( 'subjectAltName            = @alt_names ' );
      MyText.Add( 'extendedKeyUsage          = serverAuth' );
      MyText.Add( 'extendedKeyUsage          = TLS Web Server Authentication ' );
      MyText.Add( '  ' );
      MyText.Add( '[req_ext] ' );
      MyText.Add( 'subjectKeyIdentifier        = hash ' );
      MyText.Add( 'basicConstraints            = CA:FALSE ' );
      MyText.Add( 'keyUsage                    = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment ' );
      MyText.Add( 'subjectAltName              = @alt_names ' );
      MyText.Add( 'nsComment                   = "xxx_All_OS"  ' );
      MyText.Add( ' ' );
      MyText.Add( '[alt_names]' );
      MyText.Add( 'IP.1 =  ' + edIPAdress.Text );
      MyText.SaveToFile( Dossier + '\san.cnf' );

Hi, welcome to the forum :wave:

Firstly, when posting code in the forum, please can you use the preformatted text </> button. It really helps us with readability, and copying and pasting your code (we don’t have to faff about replacing curly quote marks to get things working). If you can’t see the </> in your toolbar, you will find it under the gear icon.

How to format code on PowerShell.org

Possibly a miscommunication, but I doubt you’re uniquely setting ‘intended purposes’ to a unique name. Your unique name is surely the Common Name or listed in the SAN?

Knowing the common name, you can use Get-ChildItem and recursively search the CERT:\ drive (assuming you don’t know where the certificate is, otherwise just specify the path).

Export-Certificate exports as DER encoded by default.

$CertificateName = 'TestCer1'
$Certificate = Get-ChildItem 'CERT:\' -Recurse | 
    Where-Object {$_.Subject -eq "CN=$CertificateName"}
Export-Certificate -Cert $Certificate -FilePath "E:\Temp\Files\$CertificateName.cer"

Hello and sorry for the missing </> … I have revised the illustration

Thank you for the Certificate exports as DER -code

Nice greetings

I can’t manage to export the certificate via Powershell.

The command

$Certificate = Get-ChildItem 'CERT:\' -Recurse | where-Object {$_.SubjectName -eq "UNIGUI_All_OS"}
Export-Certificate -Cert $Certificate -FilePath 'c:\exportiertes_zertifikat\test.cer'

results in error:: InvalidData: () [Export-Certificate], ParameterBindingValidationException

It looks like the variable $Certificate is always NULL - no matter what I try

I started the PoweerShell as admin (I also tried set-executionpolicy unrestricted)
I tried the binding with -eq and with - like …

I have created a screenshot
The certificate is located in “Trusted root certification authorities/certificates”
If I display all certificates in the Pwershell (Get-ChildItem Cert:\ -Recurse) - I can see it.

Does anyone have an idea why it does not work?
Many thanks for any hints

That’s looking for an exact match. If you look at the Subject property of your certificate, you can see that it’s completely different.

If the ‘UNIGUI_All_OS’ is unique, then use -like if you want to keep it short:

Where-Object {$_.SubjectName -like "E=UNIGUI_All_OS*"}

Or maybe use the FriendlyName instead.

Where-Object {$_.FriendlyName -eq "UNIGUI_All_OS"}
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