Execute local configuration on Azure VM via Arm template

Greetings, I can’t find any examples of anyone that’s done this and I’m all out of ideas.

Here is the section of my ARM template. The module is already on the VM.

“properties”: {
“publisher”: “Microsoft.Powershell”,
“type”: “DSC”,
“forceUpdateTag”: “[parameters(‘timeStamp’)]”,
“typeHandlerVersion”: “2.76”,
“autoUpgradeMinorVersion”: true,
“settings”: {
“wmfVersion”: “latest”,
“configuration”: {

                        "Name": "xInstallGRB",
                    "Function": "xInstallGRB"


Deployment error: Error message: "The DSC Extension failed to execute: Cannot validate argument on parameter ‘ModuleName’

Extension handler log:

VERBOSE: [2021-05-12 13:46:15Z] Applying DSC configuration:
VERBOSE: [2021-05-12 13:46:15Z] Sequence Number: 19
VERBOSE: [2021-05-12 13:46:15Z] Configuration Module Name: xInstallGRB
VERBOSE: [2021-05-12 13:46:15Z] Configuration Module Version:
@{WildCardSpecified=False; MaximumVersion=0.0.2147483647.2147483647;
VERBOSE: [2021-05-12 13:46:15Z] Configuration Function: xInstallGRB
VERBOSE: [2021-05-12 13:46:16Z] Loading VM agent telemetry assemblies …
VERBOSE: [2021-05-12 13:46:16Z] [ERROR] while enabling MDS telemetry… [MDS
urce.dll does not exist …
VERBOSE: [2021-05-12 13:46:16Z] [ERROR] Cannot validate argument on parameter
‘ModuleName’. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not
null or empty, and then try the command again.
VERBOSE: [2021-05-12 13:46:16Z]
VERBOSE: [2021-05-12 13:46:16Z] Settings handler status to ‘error’