Error trying to create a Pull Server


I am in the process of rebuilding my test DSC Pull server and it is not working. All the event logs show is a generic error:

The PowerShell DSC resource ‘[xDSCWebService]PSDSCPullServer’ with SourceInfo ‘C:\Scripts\Set-DscPullServer1.ps1::35::9::xDscWebService’ threw one or more non-terminating errors while running the Test-TargetResource functionality. These errors are logged to the ETW
channel called Microsoft-Windows-DSC/Operational. Refer to this channel for more details.
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:slight_smile: , CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NonTerminatingErrorFromProvider
+ PSComputerName :

When I push the config using the -verbose switch it seems that it is erroring out on the Check Port portion telling me I can’t call a null value.

VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: [[xDSCWebService]PSDSCPullServer] Check Port
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:slight_smile: , CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull
+ PSComputerName :

Right now I am totally lost as I have totally uninstalled IIS and and the DSC Service features. I tried both the xPSDesiredStateConfiguration modules and

Here is my script to create the pull server

# DSC configuration for Pull Server
# Prerequisite: Certificate "CN=PSDSCPullServerCert" in "CERT:\LocalMachine\MY\" store
# Note: A Certificate may be generated using MakeCert.exe:

configuration DscWebService
        [string[]]$NodeName = 'localhost',

        [string] $certificateThumbPrint = “AllowUnencryptedTraffic”

    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration

    Node $NodeName
		WindowsFeature FileServer
			Ensure = "Present"
			Name = "FS-FileServer"
         WindowsFeature StorageServices
			Ensure = "Present"
			Name = "Storage-Services"
         WindowsFeature DSCServiceFeature 
             Ensure = "Present" 
             Name   = "DSC-Service"             

        xDscWebService PSDSCPullServer
            Ensure                  = "Present"
            EndpointName            = "PSDSCPullServer"
            Port                    = 8080
            PhysicalPath            = "$env:SystemDrive\inetpub\PSDSCPullServer"
            CertificateThumbPrint   = "AllowUnencryptedTraffic"        
            ModulePath              = "$env:PROGRAMFILES\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\Modules"
            ConfigurationPath       = "$env:PROGRAMFILES\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\Configuration"            
            State                   = "Started"
            DependsOn               = "[WindowsFeature]DSCServiceFeature"                        

 #This line actually calls the function above to create the MOF file.

DscWebService –NodeName ""

Start-DSCConfiguration .\DscWebService -Wait -Verbose

Something else installed on the server that holds port 8080 ?

  • Try a different port.
  • Try without the two WindowsFeatures

If you have in your IIS website a tool called URLScan, try looking at those logs as well to see any errors

I am still having issues with this. I totally rebuilt the server from MS ISO image (w2012r2) and installed/am using xPSDesiredStateConfiguration module version I have installed wmf5 and fully patched the server. I took the Sample_xDSCWebService to create the pull server with minor changes (setting CertificateThumbPrint = “AllowUnencryptedTraffic”):

# DSC configuration for Pull Server
# Prerequisite: Certificate "CN=PSDSCPullServerCert" in "CERT:\LocalMachine\MY\" store for SSL
# Prerequisite: $RegistrationKey value generated using ([guid]::NewGuid()).Guid
# Note: A Certificate may be generated using MakeCert.exe:

configuration LabDscWebService 
            [string[]]$NodeName = 'localhost', 

            [Parameter(HelpMessage='Use AllowUnencryptedTraffic for setting up a non SSL based endpoint (Recommended only for test purpose)')]
            [string] $certificateThumbPrint,

            [Parameter(HelpMessage='This should be a string with enough entropy (randomness) to protect the registration of clients to the pull server.  We will use new GUID by default.')]
            [string] $RegistrationKey = ([guid]::NewGuid()).Guid

     Import-DSCResource -ModuleName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration
     Import-DSCResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration 

     Node $NodeName 
         WindowsFeature DSCServiceFeature 
             Ensure = "Present" 
             Name   = "DSC-Service"             

         xDscWebService PSDSCPullServer 
             Ensure                  = "Present" 
             EndpointName            = "PSDSCPullServer" 
             Port                    = 8080 
             PhysicalPath            = "$env:SystemDrive\inetpub\PSDSCPullServer" 
             CertificateThumbPrint   = "AllowUnencryptedTraffic"          
             ModulePath              = "$env:PROGRAMFILES\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\Modules" 
             ConfigurationPath       = "$env:PROGRAMFILES\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\Configuration"             
             State                   = "Started" 
             DependsOn               = "[WindowsFeature]DSCServiceFeature"                         

        File RegistrationKeyFile
            Ensure          ='Present'
            Type            = 'File'
            DestinationPath = "$env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\RegistrationKeys.txt"
            Contents        = $RegistrationKey
#This line actually calls the function above to create the MOF file.

LabDscWebService –NodeName ""

Start-DSCConfiguration .\LabDscWebService -Wait -verbose

Upon runnning I keep getting the following errors:

VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[xDSCWebService]PSDSCPullServer]
VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[xDSCWebService]PSDSCPullServer]
VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: [[xDSCWebService]PSDSCPullServer] Check Ensure
VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: [[xDSCWebService]PSDSCPullServer] The Website PSDSCPullServer is not present
VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[xDSCWebService]PSDSCPullServer] in 18.8750 seconds.
VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[xDSCWebService]PSDSCPullServer]
VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: [[xDSCWebService]PSDSCPullServer] Create the IIS endpoint
VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: [[xDSCWebService]PSDSCPullServer] Setting up endpoint at - http://LAB-DSC-01:8080/PSDSCPullServer.svc
VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: [[xDSCWebService]PSDSCPullServer] Checking IIS requirements
VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: [[xDSCWebService]PSDSCPullServer] Delete the App Pool if it exists
VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: [[xDSCWebService]PSDSCPullServer] Remove the site if it already exists
The expression after ‘&’ in a pipeline element produced an object that was not valid. It must result in a command name, a script block, or a CommandInfo object.
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:slight_smile: , CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : BadExpression
+ PSComputerName :

The expression after ‘&’ in a pipeline element produced an object that was not valid. It must result in a command name, a script block, or a CommandInfo object.
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:slight_smile: , CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : BadExpression
+ PSComputerName :

The expression after ‘&’ in a pipeline element produced an object that was not valid. It must result in a command name, a script block, or a CommandInfo object.
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:slight_smile: , CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : BadExpression
+ PSComputerName :

VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[xDSCWebService]PSDSCPullServer] in 6.3250 seconds.
The PowerShell DSC resource ‘[xDSCWebService]PSDSCPullServer’ with SourceInfo ‘C:\Temp\Set-DSCPullServer.ps1::34::10::xDscWebService’ threw one or more non-terminating
errors while running the Set-TargetResource functionality. These errors are logged to the ETW channel called Microsoft-Windows-DSC/Operational. Refer to this channel
for more details.
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:slight_smile: , CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NonTerminatingErrorFromProvider
+ PSComputerName :

VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[File]RegistrationKeyFile]
VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[File]RegistrationKeyFile]
VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: [[File]RegistrationKeyFile] The system cannot find the file specified.
VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: [[File]RegistrationKeyFile] The related file/directory is: C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\RegistrationKey
VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[File]RegistrationKeyFile] in 0.2190 seconds.
VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[File]RegistrationKeyFile]
VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: [[File]RegistrationKeyFile] The system cannot find the file specified.
VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: [[File]RegistrationKeyFile] The related file/directory is: C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\RegistrationKey
VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[File]RegistrationKeyFile] in 0.0150 seconds.
VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: LCM: [ End Resource ] [[File]RegistrationKeyFile]
VERBOSE: [LAB-DSC-01]: LCM: [ End Set ]
The SendConfigurationApply function did not succeed.
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (root/Microsoft/…gurationManager:String) , CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MI RESULT 1
+ PSComputerName :

VERBOSE: Operation ‘Invoke CimMethod’ complete.
VERBOSE: Time taken for configuration job to complete is 416.598 seconds

The DSC operational event log shows the same errors as specified above and nothing else. Prior to the rebuild when I was getting the same error the debug logs also did not give any further information other than the generic error:

The expression after ‘&’ in a pipeline element produced an object that was not valid. It must result in a command name, a script block, or a CommandInfo object.
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:slight_smile: , CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : BadExpression
+ PSComputerName :

Please help I am lost right now.

Two things that come to mind:

I remember Nitin discussing similar issue. The possible remedy was, iirc, to try this with version

For the sake of my doubting mind, can you change $RegistrationKey to have a value and not a [guid].

Note that what the other post issue was that the content of the RegistrationKeys.txt was different then
what was in the actual value in the LCM, make sure yours match.

Ok, I am not sure what is going on but I deleted the pending.mof from the server and reran the exact same script and it went through with no errors. I cannot confirm this but this error seems to be tied to the RegistrationKeys.txt but not sure how. Once I got the script to go through I pushed my configs out to my nodes and was getting a error that it could not due to a invalid RegistrationKey. When I looked in the file, the formatting was all wrong/corrupt. I deleted all the data out, my config scripts get the GUID from AD for the servers I want to apply DSC to and creates/appends the RegistrationKeys.txt file. Upon rerunning it did enter the keys but in a very weird format (the text was larger and spread out). I then deleted the RegistrationKeys.txt and ran my config once again and it went through with no issues. My nodes are now applying the DSC config I specified for them.

Once this completes I am going to revert my snapshot to a clean install and try to create the Pull server again for more detailed troubleshooting. I will revert with my findings once completed.

Ok, here is what I have found but not sure what to do about it.

I have totally simplified the script that creates the Pull Server. I am starting with a Windows 2012 server fully patched as of 6/28/16 with File Server, Storage Server, and DSC Service features installed.

Here is my code to create the Pull Server:

# DSC configuration for Pull Server

configuration LabDscWebService 
            [string[]]$NodeName = 'localhost'


     Import-DSCResource -ModuleName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration

     Node $NodeName 
         xDscWebService LabDSCPullServer 
             Ensure                  = "Present" 
             EndpointName            = "LabDSCPullServer" 
             Port                    = 8080 
             PhysicalPath            = "$env:SystemDrive\inetpub\LabDSCPullServer" 
             CertificateThumbPrint   = “AllowUnencryptedTraffic”          
             ModulePath              = "$env:PROGRAMFILES\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\Modules" 
             ConfigurationPath       = "$env:PROGRAMFILES\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\Configuration"             
             State                   = "Started"                         


#This line actually calls the function above to create the MOF file.

LabDscWebService –NodeName ""

Start-DSCConfiguration .\LabDscWebService -Wait -verbose

When running this I get errors:
3 of these:
“The expression after ‘&’ in a pipeline element produced an object that was not valid. It must result in a command name, a script block, or a CommandInfo object.
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:slight_smile: , CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : BadExpression
+ PSComputerName :

the SendConfigurationApply function did not succeed.

If I go to the Operational event log for DSC the only errors specified contain the exact same message as listed above. In the Anayltic log I do see a event (4183) 10x saying:

“Failed attempt number x : Couldn’t delete file C:\Windows\System32\Configuration\DSCEngineCache.mof . The error code is 2. The error message is: The system cannot find the file specified.”

If I delete the pending mof and rerun it goes through with no errors.

I have opened the MSFT_xDSCWebService.psm1 script and believe I have narrowed the problematic code to lines 247 through 261:

        Copy-Item "$pathPullServer\IISSelfSignedCertModule.dll" $env:windir\System32\inetsrv -Force
        Copy-Item "$env:windir\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\PSDesiredStateConfiguration\PullServer\IISSelfSignedCertModule.dll" $env:windir\SysWOW64\inetsrv -Force

        & $script:appCmd install module /name:"IISSelfSignedCertModule(32bit)" /image:$env:windir\SysWOW64\inetsrv\IISSelfSignedCertModule.dll /add:false /lock:false
        & $script:appCmd add module /name:"IISSelfSignedCertModule(32bit)"  /"PSDSCPullServer/"
        if($AcceptSelfSignedCertificates -and ($AcceptSelfSignedCertificates -eq $false))
            & $script:appCmd delete module /name:"IISSelfSignedCertModule(32bit)"  /"PSDSCPullServer/"

This is the only section of the code under the Set-TargetResource that has three “&” which corresponds with the number of expression errors I am getting. My programming skills are not at a level where I know what to do to correct this. If someone with a little more skill could take a look at this and suggest a update it would be greatly appreciated. Also, as I have seen multiple threads with people getting this same error as me and simply ignoring it, perhaps someone from MS could update the actual module. I know the error comes up in versions and

I hope this helps someone clear this issue up.

Hello Ed,

This error is due to the version of xpsdesiredstateconfiguration. If you move to a later version, you should not be seeing this issue.
