Enabling / Disabling logging

I went the route of creating a composite resource for each action: enable analytic, enable debug, disable analytic, disable debug with a resource.schema.psm1 file containing something to the effect of:

configuration rDisableDSCDebugLog
    Script DisableDscDebug {
            GetScript = {
               #Do Nothing

        SetScript = {
        $DisableDebug = "wevtutil sl Microsoft-Windows-DSC/Debug /e:false"
               Invoke-Expression $DisableDebug | Write-Verbose

        TestScript = {

It seems to work to disable my logging but not to enable it (which is strange?) An example of an enable is:

Configuration rEnableDSCDebugLog
    Script EnableDscDebug {
            GetScript = {
               #Do Nothing

        SetScript = {
        $EnableDebug = "wevtutil sl Microsoft-Windows-DSC/Debug /e:true"
               Invoke-Expression $EnableDebug | Write-Verbose

        TestScript = {

Bottom line, how do you guys go about enabling/disabling DSC logging on your nodes? I know there’s the xdscdiagnostics command for Update-xDscEventLogStatus that I ‘could’ run remotely from my pull server, but I kind of want the flexibility to have this apply to only hosts who are members of certain configurations, roles, or environments (which is why I was looking for a solution to include the change as part of the configuration section like so):

Configuration SQLinstall 
    Import-DscResource -name *
    Node $allnodes.where({$_.NodeRole -eq "SQL"}).NodeGuid {
        renableDSCAnalyticLog Analyzethis {}
        renableDSCDebugLog DebugThis {}

Thanks much :slight_smile:

Found my own issue, I had multiple “script” entries with the same name, I blame copy paste haha :). Question is still valid though! What’s the best way to do this :slight_smile: