Create variable -like from split CSS file

I have a web based application that has a file called login.css. Like any .css file, it’s an extremely long, single line of text. I’ve found I can split it by (‘}’) to return every single value as a single line. My problem is that those values can be different, or in a different order, depending on the version of the software. I know, if all things were equal, I could create my variable like:

$v1, $v2, $v3 = $logincss.split(‘}’)

But all things are not equal… I’m currently trying to turn a result of my split containing loginsplashscreenlogo into variable. I’ve tried:

$loginCSS = gc $filepath
$logintest = $logincss.split('}')
get-item $logintest | where-object -like '*loginsplashscreenlogo*'

and gotten:

Get-Item : Cannot bind argument to parameter ‘Path’ because it is an empty string.
At line:3 char:10

  • get-item $logintest | where-object -like ‘loginsplashscreenlogo
  •      ~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:slight_smile: [Get-Item], ParameterBindingValidationException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorEmptyStringNotAllowed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetItemCommand

I’ve tried:

$loginCSS = gc $filepath
$logintest = $logincss.split('}') | where-object -like '*loginsplashscreenlogo*'

and gotten:

where-object : The specified operator requires both the -Property and -Value parameters. Provide values for both parameters, and then try the
command again.
At line:2 char:37

  • … = $logincss.split(‘}’) | where-object -like ‘loginsplashscreenlogo
  •                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:slight_smile: [Where-Object], PSArgumentException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : ValueNotSpecifiedForWhereObject,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WhereObjectCommand

I figure there’s got to be a fairly simple way to do this, but I haven’t been able to figure it out… Anyone have an idea?


where-object : The specified operator requires both the -Property and -Value parameters. Provide values for both parameters, and then try the

Is because of this:

where-object -like '*loginsplashscreenlogo*'

You’re using Where-Object incorrectly. I’d suggest using the “real” syntax.

where-object { $_ -like '*loginsplashscreenlogo*' }

Which is probably what you meant. For your Get-Item problem - I’ve truly no idea what you’re attempting to do with Get-Item, there, and I suspect PowerShell doesn’t either.

I think your last example is on the right track, you’re just doing it wrong. You were assuming that Where-Object would automatically compare the incoming pipeline object, but it doesn’t. It wants to compare PROPERTIES. In your case, because you’re passing in a simple string, you need to use the syntax I’ve suggested, which will let you refer to the object itself in the comparison, rather than a property of the object. That “simplified” Where-Object syntax always gets people into trouble. It’s a bit of a hack, actually.

Thank you sir! I wasn’t sure what I was doing at all, so the get-item was just a “hey, let’s see if this might work” kind of thing. Your suggestion worked.