copy contacts from public folder to distr.list in Office 365

Hi all,
I’m new to this forum and to powershell too :wink:
So maybe someone can help me with this ?
I have 6000 contacts in a public folder (Office 365). Many of the contacts have a value(PDA Name) in the “info” field of the contact.
Now i want to copy all contacts from the public folder to a distribution list(allready exists) in Office 365 where the value in the “info” field is the same as the name of the distribution list.
for example: (all in Office 365)
1.) contact: the “info” field has a value like “PDAUser1” There can als be more then one value: “PDAUser1;PDAUser2;PDAUser3…”
2.) the name of the distribution list has the same name as the “info” value: “PDAUser1” or “PDAUser2” and so on…
3.) copy the complete contact with “info” field “PDAUser1” to this distribution list “PDAUser1” and if the “info” field has also the value “PDAUser2” then copy this contact to Distribution list “PDAUser2”.

Hope someone can solve this puzzle ?

Thanks in advance

Do you have some initial code we can build on?

Hi Ben,

no sorry. I’m very new to powershell. I don’t know how to build this.

thanks Simon