
Hi All, (again :slight_smile: )
I am trying to convert a cmdlet output after selecting a property and convert it to Jason.
The problem is that I get all the data but each value gets the key beside it.
I was expecting to have it grouped (in the jason format) so I get one property ‘Address’ and all the values, instead I get ‘Address’ duplicated.
Can someone help please?

PS C:\Users\xxx> Get-NcNetInterface | select Address


PS C:\Users\xxx> Get-NcNetInterface | select Address | ConvertTo-Json
        "Address":  ""
        "Address":  ""
        "Address":  ""

Command without the convert:

PS C:\Users\xxx> Get-NcNetInterface | select Address


Its working as I would expect.

I don’t have the ONTAP toolkit on my machine but using Get-NetIPAddress gives similar results

PS> Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 | select IPAddress | ConvertTo-Json
“IPAddress”: “”
“IPAddress”: “”
“IPAddress”: “”
“IPAddress”: “”
“IPAddress”: “”
“IPAddress”: “”

Your command, and mine, produce a collection of objects. Each object is converted to JSON and added to the array of JSON objects.

So in your case the first object is converted to
“Address”: “”

Hey Richard,
Thanks for the reply.
I understand the the convert is doing some sort of foreach for all the collection of objects.
But in PowerShell console I can see the objects grouped to a table, I would like to select the column I want and have it converted to jason but keep the same format so I get one “Address” field with all the values it has (IPs).
Can this be achieved?