Hi Folks,
is there any way or a sample script to get the below
"Citrix ICA settings
Start -> All Programs -> Citrix -> Administration Tools -> ICA Listener Configuration tool.
Select ICA-TCP > Edit -> Session limits tab > :End Disconnected Session after 1 minute.
Active Session limits > : Never
Click OK to close the Edit ICA-TCP settings window.
Take a screen shot.
Click Close to close the ICA listener configuration window.
Attach Screen shot. "
This is really not a PoSH specific question.
It’s an Citrix config question and better suited for the Citrix forums/blogs.
Citrix has had PoSH support for a few years now. So, you’ll need to sue those cmdlets and their docs to see what is possible or look to the MS PowerShellGallery.com and do a search for Citrix modules/scripts/function.
Managing Citrix Policies using MS Powershell
Powershell SDK
Release Date: Feb 11, 2014
The Citrix XenApp 6 and 6.5 PowerShell SDKs enable customers to manage XenApp 6 and 6.5 farms using Microsoft PowerShell scripting.
How to load the Citrix Powershell snapin for XA and XD
Open Powershell with Run as Administrator
Asnp Citrix.*
‘How to load the Citrix Powershell snapin for XA and XD | Geeksultant’
How to set Citrix XenApp 7.6 Policies with PowerShell
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Scout\Current\Utilities"
import-module "C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Scout\Current\Utilities\Citrix.GroupPolicy.Commands.psm1"