Changing Shared Permissions

Hello, I’m trying to remove the ‘everyone’ group from any shares. I found some code and modified as follows:

foreach($share in (Get-WmiObject win32_share |?{$ -notmatch "C\$|ADMIN\$|IPC\$|NETLOGON SYSVOL"} | select -expandProperty Name))
	#get settings
	$set = get-wmiobject -Class Win32_LogicalshareSecuritySetting -filter "Name='$share'"

	#filter Everyone out
	$revised = $set.GetSecurityDescriptor().Descriptor.Dacl | Where {$ -ne 'Everyone'}

	#set the new ACL
	$descriptor = $set.GetSecurityDescriptor().descriptor
	$descriptor.dacl = $revised

This works great if the shares have multiple DACLs, but if it only has “everyone” in the share, then $revised is null and it wont change the ACL…I figure i need something like

foreach($share in (Get-WmiObject win32_share |?{$ -notmatch "C\$|ADMIN\$|IPC\$|NETLOGON SYSVOL"} | select -expandProperty Name))
       #get settings
	$set = get-wmiobject -Class Win32_LogicalshareSecuritySetting -filter "Name='$share'"

	#filter Everyone out
	$revised = $set.GetSecurityDescriptor().Descriptor.Dacl | Where {$ -ne 'Everyone'}

     if($revised -eq $null)
            #remove everyone from share permission
             #set the new ACL
	     $descriptor = $set.GetSecurityDescriptor().descriptor
	     $descriptor.dacl = $revised

I’m just not sure how to remove ‘everyone’ if $revised is null…any help would be greatly appreciated

You can’t. Doing so would result in an empty DACL, which isn’t allowed. You need to add something.

I’m able to remove all share permissions manually through the GUI and assign it no permissions, and run the script above and it returns the share name, with no permissions (not a ‘null value’ error or anything) so I figured it could be set this way through powershell.

Perhaps not

Thing is, the GUI doesn’t set a null DACL. It looks like it, but it’s doing jiggery under the hood. If you set a zero DACL, you’d lose control over the thing entirely. The GUI prevents that from happening.

Like creating a user in AD with a null samAccountName. The GUI prevents it even though it’s legal, because it breaks stuff. The shell lets you :).

Ah! Tricksy…thanks Don, really appreciate the insight!

EDIT: Actually one more question…the above code I found on a site and modified it but I was curious about a few things…

As a powershell professional how do you find out or investigate some of the built in objects like knowing that:

 $set.GetSecurityDescriptor().Descriptor.Dacl | Where {$ -ne 'Everyone'}

Is where you would look for the name of the shared user? Even navigating it with just 'where {$_.trustee} I would never be able to identity that as a user.

I was just curious if there was some page/book/reference or knowledge you could pass on for help in these situations

Hi ertuu,

I have exactly same requirement. I tried your script it does not work for me.
Can you guide me what things I need to modify before running your script?