Change homefolder mapping - to empty local path


Ïn our current AD setup, we have under AD user Home Folder, setup a redirection folder and mapped it H:
We made this because of backup and roaming profiles etc.

Now i need to change this setup to local folder - empty datafield, because we are moving to OneDrive!.

I am looking for a powershell script, which can bulk change the mapped drive to empty local folder.
The list of usernames is about 2100, and i dont want to edit this manually. :confused:

Can anyone help me setup a script like this? :slight_smile:

Best regards

Hi Brian,

Is there something in common for the users so you can target the users? All in the same OU for example?



If so you can use try script

#define where the users are located in the AD
 $OUsearchbase = 'OU=Users,DC=company,DC=nl', 'OU=Users2,DC=company,DC=nl', 'OU=Users3,DC=company,DC=nl' 
  $users = Get-ADUser -Filter *  -SearchBase ($OUsearchbase) 
 foreach ($user in $users)
Set-ADUser -Identity $user -HomeDirectory ''

I have not tested it but it should work.


I have all usernames in a csv file.

I managed to get hold of a old script, used by a former collegue of mine.

I will try this, but i dont know if it Works yet.

$users = Import-Csv -Delimiter “;” -Path “E:\CSV\HDrevLuk\OdenseBrugere.csv”
$no = $users.count

Write-host “Number of users in location: $no” -ForegroundColor Yellow

$correctOU = “OU=x,OU=01_x,DC=x,DC=it-x,DC=net”

$mydate = get-date -format yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm
$logfile = new-item -path “E:\CSV\HDrevLuk\removeHomeDirectory$mydate.log”
add-content -Path $logfile “Log file for removal of HomeDirectory”

$oufile = new-item -path “E:\CSV\HDrevLuk\OUVer2.csv” -Force
add-content -path $oufile “Username;OU”

$inWrongOu = @()
foreach($user in $users)
$an = $user.initial
try {
# Get USER from AD
$usrinfo = get-aduser $an -Properties *
$loc = $usrinfo.l
$usrHomedir = $usrinfo.HomeDirectory
Add-Content -Path $logfile “User: $an; Homedirectory: $usrHomedir”

    $usrou = $usrinfo.distinguishedname
    $ou = $usrou.substring($usrou.length - 47)
    #write-host $ou -ForegroundColor Cyan

    # Test if user is in OU=EGVer2
    # Just for info - Homedirectory will be remove anyway
    if($ou -ne $correctOU)
        Write-Host $an "is not in the correct OU -" $usrou -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Add-Content -Path $logfile "User: $an is NOT in the correct OU!"
        add-content -path $oufile "$an;$usrou"
        $inWrongOu += $an
        Write-host "$an is in correct OU - $ou" -ForegroundColor Green
        # Remove HomeDrive and HomeDirectory from User

Catch {
    write-host $Error[0].Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red


When you are removing values in AD you should use the -Clear switch to set that value to NULL. Set-ADUser | Microsoft Learn

Clear Specifies an array of object properties that will be cleared in the directory. Use this parameter to clear one or more values of a property that cannot be modified using a cmdlet parameter. To modify an object property, you must use the LDAP display name. You can modify more than one property by specifying a comma-separated list. The format for this parameter is -Clear Attribute1LDAPDisplayName, Attribute2LDAPDisplayName

For example, if you want to clear the value for the Phone-Office-Other attribute (LDAP display name ‘otherTelephone’) set the Clear parameter as follows.

-Clear otherTelephone

Hi Brian,

Thats a lot of code for removing one line from the users. If anything, I do not see the code to actualy remove the homefolder in your script.

Based on your info I would try:

$users = Import-Csv -Delimiter ";" -Path "E:\CSV\HDrevLuk\OdenseBrugere.csv"
 foreach ($user in $users)
Set-ADUser -Identity $user -HomeDirectory ''

Are there any users in the directory that you do NOT want to set? You can simply test one user to validate it’s doing what you expect, preferably a non-Prod user:

Get-ADUser -Filter {SamAccountName -eq 'mytestaccount'} | Set-ADUser -Clear homeDirectory

then just update the filter for all users:

Get-ADUser -Filter * | Set-ADUser -Clear homeDirectory

Hi Albert,
Yes i thought so.

As i can see, your example script does the following:

Sets the “home folder - local path” with no data in the textfield, instead of mapped drive, correct?


No, all users in the OU i need to change settings.
So the command “Set-ADUser -Clear homeDirectory” sets the home folder to “local path - No data in the field”


Nice, I did no notice the clear command.

Learned another thing today :slight_smile:

Hi Rob,

Thanks for the reply, but as i understand your code, it takes a “search” through AD, and changes the homedir.

What i really need, is a powershell that changes the Homefolder - Mapped H: drive,
to Local path “no data in field”.

And it must read the users form a .csv .txt file or similar.

So i end up having a script, that change/sets the above from a username.txt list and thereby
can control what usernames has thier profiledata changed.

Best regards

Hi Again, Rob/Albert.

I have tried to understand if your scripts does what i need them to do. Im sorry but im not that skilled in powershell.
I have made a mockup in a jpg file, to illustrate what i need the script to do.

Please see the mockup here: Dropbox - File Deleted

I am willing to pay a charge for help on this script, so i hope you/someone can help me on this.

Best regards