If you just want to use ISE you have to know the syntax of Windows Presentation Foundation and write XAML yourself. This is like writing html with notepad: it is possible but no one would do that.
at fact when i design website i use notepad as editor for my html/css/js
i find my pleasure in building things from scratch
in this moment i am designing a gui and i find it so close to HTML/CSS/JS but with more option but i still don’t know every thing
so if you can give me a tut. or book and let me take my decision of using ISE or Visual Stdio or any other Editors by my self when i check it out i will be so happy
Using one of the tools Hermann suggested expedites your learning because you have Intelli-sense to help you understand what properties and methods objects have. With a tool you learn everything an object is capable of. With notepad, you only learn about the one thing that the tutorial or book is teaching you.
I would definitely recommend Sapien Powershell Studio. My largest project has almost 9000 lines of code, and I only wrote about 1000 of them. You will need to purchase a license eventually, but it has saved me a lot of work building GUI tools for AD and Exchange administration. I tried Visual Studio about a year and a half ago, and gave up in frustration, and fortunately, I was able to get my company to pay for PSS.
Try System Frontier for those times when you’ve got an awesome script but don’t have time to design a GUI. It will dynamically build a web GUI for you, no HTML needed. You get extra security in that the user who runs your script doesn’t have to be an admin on the target machine(s) and everything, including the script output, is logged for auditing purposes. Plus when you make changes, there’s no code to deploy to your users.