Backup local drive

I need to find a way to back up a specific local drive on each PC in our organization.
I need to know that this local drive is encrypted with Bitlocker.

Is there a question?

Just to set your expectations on forum:

This forum is for scripting questions rather than script requests. We do not write customized and ready to use scripts or solutions on request.

We actually expect you to make an own attempt at the first place to get your task done or to solve your problem. If you have done so already please document here what exactly you have done and show your code. Then we probably might be able to help you step further.

I’m not asking you to help me to find a custom solution or a ready-made PowerShell but an idea how I could approach the subject.
Even if it is not structured in your answers but a point of view of “how I would do”.

My $.02

Backing up every system in the organization is a huge open ended question as there are a huge number of options. I believe OneDrive is used in many organizations for user data. I don’t think many organizations actually backup the entire system. Should a system totally crash, which is rare, it is more cost effective to rebuild from scratch versus maintaining a huge backup infrastructure to rebuild the system entirely from backups. And once rebuilt, user data is readily available from OneDrive.

You can also use Symbolic Links (Junctions) with OneDrive to backup non standard folders to OneDrive. Google it.

If you insist on backing up entire systems, and don’t want to go the third party route, have a look at “wbadmin.exe” on Windows.

As for checking Bitlocker, I use Get-BitLockerVolume

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This is a powershell forum. This probably isn’t the best place to discuss organizational backup strategies. Have you checked out spiceworks or serverfault? There are also Microsoft forums for all of their products.

Understood, my apology Krazy Doug :slight_smile:

I did throw $.02 on checking bitlocker though …

Definitely not targeted at your helpful advice. :slight_smile:

I thank you all for giving me some research leads.
I would like to apologize for the topic that is not appropriate in this kind of forum.