how do I control the audio volume (the overall volume and Media Player)?
With PowerShell? I don’t think there’s any support for that built-in, but since you can access the entire COM and Win32 API ecosystem, I’m sure there’s a way to make it work. A quick web search turned up this module my Chris Hunt: GitHub - frgnca/AudioDeviceCmdlets: AudioDeviceCmdlets is a suite of PowerShell Cmdlets to control audio devices on Windows
Thank you!!
In case any one else is looking for more information about this in the future, here are some other alternative to controlling audio from PowerShell:
PowerShell Set PC Volume Control:
Scripting Guy Weekend Scripter: Cheesy Script to Set Speaker Volume:
There’s also a thread on this on the forums that contains this information and more:
Boe Prox did one but it basically sent some secret keystrokes to the OS main thing is that it works.
having trouble finding the link though to be continued.
[url]Powershell commands/script to control to control default sound device?
See if that URL works!
EDIT: I see now your link had an extra slash ol on it
Indeed, thanks for letting me know I just corrected the links in my post.