I’m looking for some guidance on how to modify an array initially loaded from Excel. The modifications are based on conditions, ie, so for a real simple example, if $item.Unit contains a dash, then change the value of B, etc.
Here’s a simplified version of the code:
$dataArray = Import-Excel -Path $excelInPath -Startrow 2 -StartColumn 1 -EndColumn 20
foreach ($item in $dataArray) {
$msg = new-object -Typename psobject -property @{
A = $item.Unit;
B = $item.Country;
C = $item.Dept;
D = $item.Level;
if($msg.Unit.contains(“-”)) {
$msg.Country = 200;
I’m getting a runtime error if I leave the if() statement, but do need a way to modify the array. Any input is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.
Hello, welcome to the forum. When posting code or errors, please use the preformatted option (looks like this </> and may be hidden under the settings gear.)
I see three issues with your code.
It appears you’ve copied this code from a website that didn’t use a good formatting for code. The double quotes are “fancy”. Just type those out manually to replace them. “-” bad quotes "-" good quotes
You are missing a curly brace. This is much easier to spot when you properly indent the code. I didn’t notice this issue until I went to fix it and it became obvious.
You are referencing the wrong property name. In your $msg object, you have 4 properties. A, B, C, and D.
$dataArray = Import-Excel -Path $excelInPath -Startrow 2 -StartColumn 1 -EndColumn 20
foreach ($item in $dataArray) {
$msg = new-object -Typename psobject -property @{
A = $item.Unit
B = $item.Country
C = $item.Dept
D = $item.Level
if($msg.A.contains("-")) {
$msg.B = 200
As an aside, the semicolon’s are not required here.