Add a cell in a CSV file with PowerShell

I have to add a cell and move the cells of the second part of the array in my Excel table (CSV), this is an example of what i need to get :

Not in col1  Column2 Column3 Column4      Not in col2   Column1 Column3 Column4

                58     85     25                          75      85      25                                      
                10     10     50                          40      40      50

I would like to add the “Not in col” cell like this, before the columns and move the second part at the right like in the example up there. I will also remove the column reference, this is not important in this case.

This is the current result:

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4
75        58      85     25
88        10      10     50
75        88      85     25
40        16      40     50

The code:

$csv = Import-Csv .\test1.csv -Delimiter ';'

$ref = [ordered]@{}
$columns = foreach ($i in 0…7) { ,[Collections.ArrayList]@() }

foreach ($row in $csv) {
$value = $row.Column1
$ref[$value] = $true
$columns[0].add($value) >$null

foreach ($row in $csv) {
$i = 1
foreach ($col in ‘Column2’, ‘Column3’, ‘Column4’) {
$value = $row.$col
if (!$ref[$value]) {
$columns[$i].add($value) >$null

$maxLine = ($columns | select -expand Count | measure -Maximum).Maximum - 1
$csv = foreach ($i in 0…$maxLine) {
Column1 = $columns[0][$i]
Column2 = $columns[1][$i]
Column3 = $columns[2][$i]
Column4 = $columns[3][$i]

$csv | Export-CSV -Path “.\test3.csv” -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter “;”

$csv = Import-Csv .\test1.csv -Delimiter ‘;’

$ref = [ordered]@{}
$columns = foreach ($i in 0…7) { ,[Collections.ArrayList]@() }

foreach ($row in $csv) {
$value = $row.Column2
$ref[$value] = $true
$columns[0].add($value) >$null

foreach ($row in $csv) {
$i = 1
foreach ($col in ‘Column1’, ‘Column3’, ‘Column4’) {
$value = $row.$col
if (!$ref[$value]) {
$columns[$i].add($value) >$null

$maxLine = ($columns | select -expand Count | measure -Maximum).Maximum - 1
$csv = foreach ($i in 0…$maxLine) {
Column1 = $columns[1][$i]
Column2 = $columns[0][$i]
Column3 = $columns[2][$i]
Column4 = $columns[3][$i]

$csv | Export-CSV -Path “.\test3.csv” -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter “;” -Append

I have to add a cell and move the cells of the second part of the array in my Excel table (CSV), this is an example of what i need to get :

Not in col1  Column2 Column3 Column4      Not in col2   Column1 Column3 Column4

                58     85     25                          75      85      25                                      
                10     10     50                          40      40      50

I would like to add the “Not in col” cell like this, before the columns and move the second part at the right like in the example up there. I will also remove the column reference, this is not important in this case.

This is the current result:

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4
75        58      85     25
88        10      10     50
75        88      85     25
40        16      40     50

In this context I import then compare then export the result and I need to display this cell to complete this.
The code:

$csv = Import-Csv .\test1.csv -Delimiter ';'

$ref = [ordered]@{}
$columns = foreach ($i in 0..7) { ,[Collections.ArrayList]@() }

foreach ($row in $csv) {
    $value = $row.Column1
    $ref[$value] = $true
    $columns[0].add($value) >$null

foreach ($row in $csv) {
    $i = 1
    foreach ($col in 'Column2', 'Column3', 'Column4') {
        $value = $row.$col
        if (!$ref[$value]) {
            $columns[$i].add($value) >$null

$maxLine = ($columns | select -expand Count | measure -Maximum).Maximum - 1
$csv = foreach ($i in 0..$maxLine) {
        Column1 = $columns[0][$i]
        Column2 = $columns[1][$i]
        Column3 = $columns[2][$i]
        Column4 = $columns[3][$i]

$csv | Export-CSV -Path ".\test3.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ";"

$csv = Import-Csv .\test1.csv -Delimiter ';'

$ref = [ordered]@{}
$columns = foreach ($i in 0..7) { ,[Collections.ArrayList]@() }

foreach ($row in $csv) {
    $value = $row.Column2
    $ref[$value] = $true
    $columns[0].add($value) >$null

foreach ($row in $csv) {
    $i = 1
    foreach ($col in 'Column1', 'Column3', 'Column4') {
        $value = $row.$col
        if (!$ref[$value]) {
            $columns[$i].add($value) >$null

$maxLine = ($columns | select -expand Count | measure -Maximum).Maximum - 1
$csv = foreach ($i in 0..$maxLine) {
        Column1 = $columns[1][$i]
        Column2 = $columns[0][$i]
        Column3 = $columns[2][$i]
        Column4 = $columns[3][$i]

$csv | Export-CSV   -Path ".\test3.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ";" -Append

From a quick review of your code, it seems like you would just add the property to your PSCustomObject, unless I’m not completely grasping your goal here.

At line 26

        "Not in col1" = ""
        Column1 = $columns[0][$i]
        Column2 = $columns[1][$i]
        Column3 = $columns[2][$i]
        Column4 = $columns[3][$i]

and At line 63

        "Not in col2" = ""
        Column1 = $columns[0][$i]
        Column2 = $columns[1][$i]
        Column3 = $columns[2][$i]
        Column4 = $columns[3][$i]