Adding comment into function breaks get-help parameter output

Hey there,

Hope someone can help me with this one. I have the following code
Function Get-xos{

Param (
                HelpMessage= 'One or more computer names')]

ForEach($c in $ComputerName)
$os = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $c -Class Win32_OperatingSystem
$Prop = [ordered]@{
“OSVersion” = $os.Version
“OSBuild” = $os.BuildNumber
$Obj=New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Prop
Write-Output $obj

when i then run
get-help Get-xos -Parameter computername

i get the following output
-ComputerName <string>
One or more computer names

Required?                    true
Position?                    0
Accept pipeline input?       true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
Parameter set name           (All)
Aliases                      Host
Dynamic?                     false

exactly what i want and as expected.

But if i then add a comment to the function

Function Get-xos{
Get OS version information

and run the same command, i get the following output

defaultValue :
parameterValue : String
name : ComputerName
type : @{name=String}
required : true
globbing : false
pipelineInput : true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
position : 1

what am I doing wrong. I want to create a ps1 file with multiple functions, and add comments , a description to each function. I have also tried to add the comment block right above the function, but that does not make a difference.

Any help is appreciated.

Looks like maybe the engine doesn’t bother displaying the HelpMessage property if you have a comment-based help block. There are two ways you can get this working (depending on your personal preference). You can add a .PARAMETER item to your comment-based help block, or you can put in-line comments in the param block itself. Here are examples of both:

Function Get-xos{
       Get OS version information

     .PARAMETER ComputerName
       One or more computer names

    Param (

# ... etc

Function Get-xos{
       Get OS version information

    Param (
        # One or more computer names

# ... etc