Pipeline and Parameter support

I’m having some issues getting my powershell function to work through pipeline and using regular command parameters. I’ve managed to get it working but with pipeline detection and re-writing my inputs in the “Process” section then treating the whole thing in the “End” section. Surely there is a better way?

Function Test {
	[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position=1)] 	[Alias('ComputerName','ServerName','Host','HostName','Computer','Path')]
	[Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position=2)] 

Begin {
	$ToProcess = @()


Process {
	If ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
		If ($Server -and $Share) {
			$Obj = "" | Select Server,Share
			If ($Server) {
				$Obj.Server = $Server[0]
			Else{$Obj.Server = $Server}
			If ($Share) {
				$Obj.Share = $Share[0]
			Else{$Obj.Share = $Share}
			$ToProcess += $Obj
		ElseIf ($Share -and !$Server) {
			$Obj = "" | Select Share
			If ($Share) {$Obj.Share = $Share[0]}Else{$Obj.Share = $Share}
			$ToProcess += $Obj
		ElseIf ($Server -and !$Share) {
			$Obj = "" | Select Server
			If ($Server) {$Obj.Server = $Server[0]}Else{$Obj.Server = $Server}
			$ToProcess += $Obj
	Else {
		If ($Server -and $Share) {
			$Counter = 0
			$Countershr = 0
			$Server | %{
				$Obj = "" | Select Server,Share
				If ($Server.count -gt 1) {
					If ($Server[$Counter] -ne $null) {$Obj.Server = $Server[$Counter]}
				Else{$Obj.Server = $Server}
				If ($Share -ne $null -and $Share.count -gt 1) {
					If ($Share[$Countershr] -ne $null) {
						$Obj.Share = $Share[$Countershr]
				ElseIf ($Share -ne $null) {$Obj.Share = $Share}
				$ToProcess += $Obj
		ElseIf ($Share -and $Server -eq $null) {
			$Counter = 0
			$Share | %{
				$Obj = "" | select Share
				If ($Share -ne $null -and $Share.count -gt 1) {
					If ($Share[$Counter] -ne $null) {
						$Obj.Share = $Share[$Counter]
				ElseIf ($Share -ne $null) {$Obj.Share = $Share}
				$ToProcess += $Obj
		ElseIf ($Server -and $Share -eq $null) {
			$Counter = 0
			$Server | %{
				$Obj = "" | Select Server
				If ($Server -ne $null -and $Server.count -gt 1) {
					$Obj.Server = $Server[$Counter]
				ElseIf ($Server -ne $null) {$Obj.Server = $Server}
				$ToProcess += $Obj

End {



Both these commands give the same results but I’m thinking my script is way more complicated than it has to be? …

$array = ’
“Server”: “server1”,
“Share”: “share1”
“Server”: “server2”,
“Share”: “share2”
’ | convertfrom-json

Test -Server Server1,Server2 -Share Share1,Share2
$array | Test

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