Hello I am trying to add group member to an account in AD that’s and object does not have an Identity. Therefore, I can run the following command
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity “ISD OPS NOB…” -Members SQL34
Example I the do a Get-ADObject I get the following
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Thanks for the response, I am new to this group and still learning., I did not get a notificatioin when you responded sorry for the late response. Maybe that is what I need to do “Are you sure you did not wnat to add the contact in your sample output to a group” However, I could not find the method or command line to do it. how to I do it; I am using the wrong command " Add-ADGroupMember" ? Also, I can add it via the AD console window however, not on the command line.
Thnaks it work I know i will figure out how to do it reading from a list of file which has work for me before. One question how to learn more are about this method or process in powershell @{'member' = $NewMember.DistinguishedName I have only been doing powershell this years.
I don’t know how to actually put that … … reading reading reading!? …
As noted in the answer on the linked StackOverflow question … every Set-<ADObject> cmdlet supports the parameters -Add, -Remove, -Replace and -Clear. So you bring up the help for any of the possible cmdlets navigate to the parameter -Add and start reading …
Please always read the complete help including the examples to learn how to use them.