Hi guys please help me can any body make this on GB and TB please thanks.
$backups = get-vbrbackup
$allstorages = @()
foreach ($backup in $backups) {
foreach ($storage in $backup.getallstorages()) {
$allstorages += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
$allstorages = $allstorages | Sort-Object -Property JobName,Time
$allstorages | select -property Jobname,Time,Path,BackupSizeGB,DataSizeGB | Format-Table -AutoSize
I may not be clear on what you are after, but I am going to assume you mean turning this…
BackupSizeGB=$storage.Info.Stats.BackupSize/1GB; DataSizeGB=$storage.Info.Stats.DataSize/1GB;
… into this…
BackupSizeGB=$storage.Info.Stats.BackupSize/1TB; DataSizeGB=$storage.Info.Stats.DataSize/1TB;
The math approach is the same, but use and if/then to determine when the GB size hits the TB threshold. For example…
if(DataSizeGB -ge 1024){DataSizeGB=$storage.Info.Stats.DataSize/1TB} if(BackupSizeGB -ge 1024){BackupSizeGB=$storage.Info.Stats.BackupSize/1TB}
… or have two columns, on in GB and the other in TB.
See this article: